MetroAccess provides complementary accessibility service in Prince George’s County. It is a shared-ride, door-to-door, para transit service for people whose disability prevents them from using TheBus. If you would like additional information regarding ADA para transit service, please contact MetroAccess at 301-562-5360 for eligibility requirements.
Approved MetroAccess customers prepay their fares with a credit or debit card by phone or online, or with cash, credit or debit card in person.
Trip Planning
MetroAccess customer service representatives are available during all MetroAccess operating hours. To reach a customer service representative, call 301-562-5360, press 2 for trip status, and then press 2 to speak to a customer service representative.
To confirm or cancel a trip, you can speak with a customer service representative. Please avoid calling to check on your ride before or during the pick-up window. Trips may be canceled with as little as two hours' notice without penalty.
To book or cancel trips online, you may use your MetroAccess customer ID number to log in. Your password is your 8-digit date of birth.