
Recent Media Advisories and Press Releases


The Dispatch Newsletter

DPW&T The Dispatch: 2023 

DPW&T The Dispatch: 2024 

June 2023  January 2024 
July 2023  February 2024 
September 2023  March 2024 
November 2023  April 2024 
December 2023  May 2024 


The Pathway To Progress: A Short Film


"The Pathway to Progress" is a short film highlighting the transit options in the County while honoring the sacrifices of civil rights icon, Rosa L. Park. Her efforts have impacted the transportation infrastructure not only in Prince George's County but across the country. 
DPW&T Year In Review (2023)
Thank you to all our staff and employees for your hard work and dedication this year to making Prince George's County a better community for all of its residents!
Stuff TheBus Back To School Supply Drive 2023
It is that time of year again! DPW&T has kicked off their "Stuff TheBus" Back to School Supply Drive. We are preparing the Young Prince Georgian's to start the school year off right. So, stop by 9400 Peppercorn Place Largo, MD 20743 and drop of your supplies. We will be collecting supplies until August 18, 2023, Monday through Sunday, 10am to 2pm. 
National Public Works Week 2023
As we celebrate National Public Works Week, we want to send a special thanks to all our hardworking staff. Your work is truly appreciated. We are #ConnectingTheWorld through service that makes a difference in #princegeorgescounty.
Growing Green With Pride Spring 2023

We are #PrinceGeorgesProud for all the support in making the Spring 2023 Growing Green with Pride clean-up event a success! A special thanks to our partners State Highway Administration and Radio One.

Prince George's Countywide Litter and Mowing

Prince George's County has implemented the first wave of the Countywide Litter and Mowing Blitz. See how things are going!

Prince George’s County Prepares for Emergency Weather Conditions with Snow and Ice Dry Run 

Prince George’s County’s Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) conducted a Snow and Ice Dry Run exercise. This exercise allowed DPW&T to ensure that roadways are cleared and safe for motorists in Prince George’s County, and to enhance communications with residents. 


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