Traffic Signals
Through the Traffic Signal System, newly installed traffic signal controllers improve signal system efficiency and assign appropriate rights-of-way in order to achieve optimized flow of traffic through an intersection. These controllers are capable of timing adjustments to accommodate changes in traffic conditions. They also can collect and report equipment failures, traffic count data, and pavement and air temperature sensor data. In addition to the newly installed controllers, the county has started to install Light Emitting Diode (LED) and battery backup units at high volume signalized intersections. This technology allows the county to reduce maintenance, signal head and power consumption costs.
If you notice a malfunctioning or vandalized traffic signal, please call 311 or 301-883-4748 to submit a service request. If the traffic signal is completely dark, treat the intersection as a four-way stop and call 311 or 301-883-4748 to report the problem.