Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) oversees and manages transit amenities at bus stops throughout the County, including, free bus Wi-Fi, passenger bus shelters, transit bench and bus stops. There are over 400 active bus shelters and 24 benches in the program inventory. These amenities are maintained by InSite Street Media. DPW&T maintains and manages over 1,800 County bus stops serviced by “The Bus”. On this page, you will find the protocols in installing bus shelters, and bus benches, including policies, procedures, and guidelines for processing requests for amenities from residents, communities, and officials.
Free Bus Wi-Fi
TheBus is providing customers with free Wi-Fi service as a pilot program on buses as part of our continued efforts to improve the customer experience amenities. During the pilot, Wi-Fi will be covering various TheBus routes.
Look for the decal near the outside door, as well as signage onboard to know if your bus is equipped with the new feature.
How to Connect:
- Make sure your device is wirelessly enabled.
- Search for available wireless networks.
- Select PGC Connect
- Click "I Agree" with “TheBus” Acceptable Use policy.
- Check emails, use social media, catch up on work or surf the web.
- Due to bandwidth limitations, streaming video is not allowed.
Additional Information: Acceptable Use Policy/Terms and Conditions
Bus Shelter & Bench Program
Bus Shelter & Bench Program is to provide TheBus customers with safety, shelter, and protection from the elements. Many amenities are based on daily boards. Existing bus stops can be retrofitted to provide amenities as well.
Standards for Placement
BENCH | 5 - 14 |
SHELTER | 15+ |
Each amenity has a minimum site requirements to ensure ADA guidelines are met. Bus stops shall be positioned on a minimum 5’ X 8’ concrete standing pad.
Bus shelters requests are assessed based on site feasibility and ridership levels. Bus stops with 15 or more boardings per day are eligible for consideration. Bus shelters are installed on an 11’ X 18’ concrete pad foundation. Bus benches can be installed on the 5’ X 8’ standing pad. Please call or submit a request regarding new bench or bus shelter to the PGC311-Customer Service Request (CSR).
Receptacles are installed with each bus shelter. Also, there are a number of trash receptacles at non-shelter bus stops. Currently, DPW&T is unable to fulfill requests for new trash cans. Please call or submit a request through the County 311 CSR service to request litter pick up at a bus shelter. You can submit a request at PGC311.
Cleaning/Litter Control at Bus Stops
InSite Street Media is responsible for cleaning in and around each bus shelter. The shelter will be cleaned and litter will picked up on a 15’ radius around the bus shelter. Typically this radius will extend well into the County right of way. Due to this, DPW&T's Special Services also may handle litter requests at bus stops.
DPW&T is currently working to enhance the customer experience by replacing bus stop signs with new blade style signs featuring unique bus stop IDs. The unique ID on the new bus stop blades will enable passengers to obtain real-time arrival information via text message and enable our customer service agents to provide more accurate bus arrival times for passenger waiting at a bus stop. Our bus stop blades represent the first interaction that bus riders have with TheBus service. Therefore, providing accurate information on the signs is critical to the bus rider experience.
Signage for the program includes:
- TheBus logo.
- Bus Stop sign posts.
- Bus Stop signage plates with ID number and contact for information
- Signage plate indicating bus stop ID number and corresponding contact information.