Vehicle Tow FAQs
Our mission is to ensure citizens and businesses are afforded due process as it relates to illegal or predatory towing.
Tow Hearing FAQs
Towing Documents: Download a copy of the Vehicle Request for Show Cause Hearing Request Form and updated towing price list and surety bond.
What kind of towing does the Hearings Office have jurisdiction over?
- Private, County Police and Revenue Authority towing
How can I find where my vehicle was towed?
- If towed from private property, signage is required to be posted at the entrances of all parking lots with tow truck company contact information.
- Property managers must have a towing contract with tow truck companies and provide the information as needed.
- Towinquiry.princegeorgescountymd.gov can be used to look up your vehicle information
- Call the Police Non-Emergency line at 301-352-1200.
- Tow truck companies are required to send certified mail to the last known registered owner of the vehicle within 3 business days after impoundment.
How much will it cost to retrieve my vehicle?
- Private and Revenue Authority: $175; an additional $50 per day after the first 18 hours of impoundment.
- Police: $215; additional $50 per day after the first 18 hours of impoundment
- It is highly recommended to reclaim your vehicle as soon as possible
- By retrieving your vehicle, you do not forfeit your right to the hearing should you so request it and you may save yourself the additional assessment of storage fees and possibly other expenses if it is found that the tow/impound was legal.
- Not reclaiming your vehicle within 21 days after the impound notice being mailed, waives all the owners' “right, title, and interest in the vehicle”. (sec. 26 - 142.12)
What is a Show Cause Hearing?
- Show Cause Hearings are to determine whether a vehicle was properly towed and impounded under the provision of Subtitle Divisions 5 and 26 of the County Code.
- If you elect to contest the impoundment, you will be required to appear and present testimony at the hearing.
- If you are not the registered owner, you must have a notarized letter from the owner authorizing you to represent them at the hearing.
How do I request a Show Cause Hearing?
- Complete the Show Cause Hearing request form.
How do I request to have my hearing rescheduled?
- Notify the hearing administrator via email no later than 3 business days before the date of the hearing.
- Both the requestor and tow truck company are permitted 1 reschedule.
What if I no longer own the towed vehicle?
- If you no longer own the vehicle, then there is nothing you need to do.
Where can I find Prince George's County regulations for the "Towing and Disposition of Vehicles"?
Where can I find Prince George's County’s "Towing Hearings Officer Rules and Regulations"?
Who do I contact for a Police vehicle release?
- Vehicle Audit Unit, 920 Ritchie-Marlboro Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, Mon-Fri from 8:30 AM- 4 PM at 301-952-1873.
I also got a parking citation, what do I do?
- The Show Cause Hearing is only to determine whether or not there was probable cause to have your vehicle towed. All other matters are outside of the scope of this hearing and office.
What happens at the hearing?
- Both the requestor and tow truck company representative will present evidence, witnesses, and testimony to support their stance.
- The Hearing Officer weighs the facts presented and makes a determination as to whether there was probable cause for the vehicle to be towed.
- Determinations are not made during the hearing and will be mailed out within 10 business days.
May I withdraw my request for a hearing?
- Yes
What does the Hearings Officer consider when making a decision?
- The hearing officer is only empowered to rule on if the vehicle was legally towed and impounded. (Sec. 26. 142. 10 and Sec. 26 - 169.
- Should the hearing officer rule that your vehicle was towed without probable cause (illegally) you are entitled to receive reimbursement for towing and storage fees already paid or a fraction thereof.
- Should the hearing officer determine there was a probable cause (legally) for your vehicle being impounded, impound/storage fees paid will not be refunded.
How do I appeal a tow hearing decision?
- The decision of the hearing officer is final; however, you have the right to file a claim in civil court.
What do I need in order to have a virtual hearing?
- A computer or mobile device with a webcam, a stable internet connection, and a noise-free environment.
- Evidence needs to be submitted no later than seven (7) business days before the scheduled hearing via mail to The Tow Hearing Administrator at 1801 McCormick Drive Suite 500 Largo, MD 20774, or by email to pgctowing@co.pg.md.us.