Tree ReLeaf Grant Program
Prince George's County wants to help your community "turn green" with trees! Through the Tree ReLEAF Grant Program, the County provides funds to community groups and municipalities for planting native trees and shrubs in public or private common areas. For more information, contact 301-883-3264.
Small community-based projects are eligible to receive up to $5,000 per project, and municipalities may receive up to $10,000 per project. Examples of projects that have received funding include tree plantings in parks and on playgrounds, memorial and street tree plantings, and reforestation projects along streams.
More Information
Questions? See the Tree ReLEAF FAQs. Ready to apply? Fill out the Tree ReLEAF Grant Application (English PDF) / Tree ReLEAF Grant Application (Spanish PDF). Fill out the Tree Demonstration Application form.
We look forward to working with your community. Together we can plant the seeds of a greener future, encourage stewardship of our living resources and stimulate excitement and enthusiasm for the planting and caring of trees.