FAQ Answers
What is a Rain Garden?
A rain garden captures stormwater runoff and allows it to slowly soak into the ground. The water that washes off your roof, driveway and your lawn, called stormwater runoff, becomes contaminated by the everyday substances found around your home. In a rain garden, layers of soil and water-loving plants naturally filter and remove pollutants before they flow through the storm drain pipes and into our local streams. These gardens can absorb several times more rainwater than a lawn, while replenishing the groundwater supply and filtering pollutants. They are easy to maintain and, after the plants are well-established, rarely need watering. They also provide a habitat for birds and butterflies. To view our brochure, Rain Gardens: A Home-Grown Solution for Water Pollution, please visit our website.
For more rain garden resources, please visit the following links:
- Chesapeake Ecology Center
- Montgomery County RainScape Resources
- Native Plant Center
- Rain Gardens Across Maryland (PDF)
- Residential RainWise Resources
What is a Rain Barrel?
A rain barrel captures water from your downspout and stores it. You can use it to water plants in your garden or simply let the water soak slowly into the ground during dry weather. There are many styles and types of rain barrels available. You can even build your own from a cleaned and recycled 55-gallon plastic drum. Listed below are some sources for purchasing rain barrels (These links are provided for information only and are not to be construed as an endorsement):
- Aquabarrel Rain Barrel and Water Conservation Products
- Arlington Echo
- Cascata Rain Barrel
- Gardener's Supply
- Spruce Creek Rainsaver
What is BayScaping?
BayScaping is conservation landscaping that helps protect local streams that lead to the Chesapeake Bay. BayScaping saves money, takes less work, benefits the environment, and gives your yard year-round beauty. For more information on BayScaping and Conservation Landscaping, please visit the following webpages: