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Highlighted Grant Projects

The Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation's (DPW&T) Office of Engineering and Project Management (OEPM) Highway and Bridge Design Division (HBDD) has received grant funding for several Pedestrian Safety Improvement program projects. On October 26, 2022, Prince George's County was awarded $4.6 million dollars in grant funding from the State Highway Administration's Transportation Alternative's Program (TAP) to fund the construction of the following pedestrian safety project:

On February 1, 2023, Prince George's County was awarded $21 million dollars in grant funding from USDOT/FHWA under the Safe Streets and Roadways for all (SS4A) Program. This will fund the construction of the following pedestrian safety projects: 

Four (4) of these projects were previously awarded funding through the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), the Metropolitan's Planning Organization (MPO) for Prince George's County and the Greater Washington Region, to conduct public outreach and planning for pedestrian and bicycle access. The grants are administered by MWCOG so staff can focus on designing the pedestrian and bicycle access enhancements with the aid of design consultants that can provide technical assistance for identified projects.

A public meeting for the Cool Spring Rd., Adelphi Rd. Pedestrian-Bike Access Project was held in January and a second public meeting was held in June 2021.  A link to the first and second presentation are found here respectively: First Public Meeting and Final Public Meeting

The Riggs Road Neighborhood Bicycle Boulevards project was managed by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) and all project information, including a link to the first public meeting held in March 2021, can be found on their website at .

Through MWCOG's Regional Safety Program both Belcrest Road and Sheriff Road were also evaluated for safety countermeasures.