How long is the permit valid?
A permit under which no work has commenced within 180 days after issuance shall expire and become null and void. Please refer to Subtitle 4. Section 4-112 for more information.
Related questions
The process is as follows:
- You need to complete the Application Form.
- You need to provide a site plan showing the location/dimensions of the deck.
- You need to provide a copy of complete structural plans for the deck. Please refer to our “Minimum Plan Submission Requirements For Residential Projects.” You can also refer to Prince George's County’s standard deck drawings for more information.
- In addition to the complete structural plans, an International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) Evaluation Report or Architectural Testing – Code Compliance Research Report (ATI-CCRR) is required if composite decking/composite railing is utilized in lieu of traditional pressure treated wood.
The process is:
- You need to complete the Application Form.
- You need to provide a copy of the basement floor plans. Please refer to Prince George's County “Finished Basement General Code Requirement” for more information.
The requirements are:
- A permit is not required if your shed is less than 150 square feet.
- You need to complete the Application Form.
- You need to provide a copy of the site plan showing the location/sizes of the shed.
- You need to provide a copy of complete structural plans for the shed. Please refer to our “Minimum Plan Submission Requirements for Residential Projects.”
The State of Maryland and Prince George’s County adopts the codes published by the International Code Council (ICC). For more information, please visit the Building Codes and Bulletins page.
The minimum requirements are:
- Provide a copy of complete architectural/structural plans for all residential construction projects.
- Plans must be drawn to scale and be of sufficient quality to explain the proposed construction clearly and completely.
- For more information, please refer to the “Minimum Plan Submission Requirements for Residential Projects.”
The ground snow load (PG) is 35 pounds per square foot (PSF) per the Maryland Code Administration. Design snow loads shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 7 of the ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. However the minimum design roof snow load shall not be less than 30 PSF plus the drift per the county Subtitle 4 code amendment.
The frost depth is 2 feet 6 inches from finished grade to the bottom of the footing.
The following are exempt:
- A one-story detached accessory structure on one- and two-family dwelling properties with less than 150 square feet of floor space not designed or intended for occupation or habitation and limited to 1 accessory structure only per property.
- All forms of paving less than 500 square feet except for parking surfaces.
- A retaining wall not greater than 2 feet in height unless supporting a structure.
- Fence not greater than 4 feet in height.
- Please refer to Subtitle 4. Section 4-111., IBC Section 105 for more information.
Please call Park and Planning (301-952-3208) for information.