Inspections Division
The Inspections Division provides regulation of construction, development, and grading activity in the County, with the exception of the City of Laurel, through inspection and enforcement. Codes enforced include building, electrical, fire, mechanical, energy, accessibility, grading, stormwater management, site and road, and other applicable State and County codes for construction projects in the County.
Commercial Projects
It should be noted that commercial projects, with the exception of some involving work of a minor nature of $200,000 or greater, are required to be certified by third-party inspection agents under the Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP). The Building Code Official or designated representative may include or exclude a project from the TPIP due to its complexity, simplicity, or innovation, based on recommendations from the Associate Director for the Inspections Division (ID) or designee, and/or upon written request from the property owner. The Divisions’ Commercial Construction/Life Safety Section oversees the TPIP. When contacting us, please have the case number or the building address available.
Scheduling an Inspection
Inspection requests may be scheduled online or by telephone.
Be Prepared for Your Inspection
View the Prepare for Your Inspection presentation to better prepare for your inspection and know what to expect.
Inspection Types
- Construction Code Compliance
- Fire Prevention System Inspection
- Plumbing Inspections & WSSC
- Residential Light Construction
- Sign Permits and Inspections — All sign permits are inspected by DPIE's Code Enforcement Division.
- Site Development
- Third-Party Commercial
- Use & Occupancy
Inspection Information
- When Is an Inspection Required?
- Virtual Inspections
- Permits & Inspections Search, Status and History
- DPIE Connect — Mini Preliminary Design Review Meeting
Municipality Responsibilities
Within the County, there are 27 municipalities, and permitting and inspection responsibilities within them are defined in the following charts:
- DPIE Municipalities Responsibilities in Prince George's County
- In addition, the requirements for inspections of projects are located in the Inspection Responsibilities in Municipalities chart.
- To determine if your project is within one of these municipalities, visit the Atlas website and click on "Map Layers" (the second icon on the right). View the list of choices, click on the drop-down menu by "Administrative" Layer, and then click on the "Municipal Boundary" layer.
Additional Information