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Building Plan Review Division

Chief building plan reviewer electronically examines plans


The Building Plan Review Division and co-located agencies provide plan review services for all building plans (residential and commercial) to ensure compliance with all applicable Building Codes and standards, including architectural, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, and energy, as well as the below sections.

These plans include:

Co-located agencies who work with the Building Plan Review Division at DPIE include:  Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission WSSC (water/sewer connections) and Prince George's County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health (food service and mobile food service facilities, public swimming pools and spas, and on-site sewage disposal systems and wells).

Important Information about the Process


Within the County there are 27 municipalities, and plan review and inspection/permit responsibilities within them are defined in the attached chart.

To determine if your project is within one of these municipalities, visit and click on "Map Layers" (the second icon on the right). View the list of choices, then click on the drop-down menu by "Administrative" Layer and click on the "Municipal Boundary" layer.
