Health Permits

Health Permit Applications
Health Permit applications are completed online. Please go to the Momentum portal and enter the information directly into the County’s Online Permit System. Once the application is completed online and the permit case has been processed, customers can upload documents and plans for review via our ePlan online application. For more information, view the Health Permits and Licenses page and the Health Section Plan Review page. For a summary of which health agency reviews the varying types of permits and licenses, view the Health Review Responsibilities Chart.
Health Permits and Licenses
- Food Service Facility Permits
- Farmers Market
- Mobile Unit
- Temporary Food Service
- Vending Machine
- Food Service Manager Certification & Training
- Percolation Testing (Innovative and Alternative)
- Percolation Testing Contractor
- Public Swimming Pool/Spa Licenses
- Pool Operator Licenses
- Scavenger Company and Vehicle Licenses
- Agricultural Well Certifications
- Open Land Burning Permits
- Sewage Contractor
- Bay Restoration Funds Applications
- Plat Review