Permits Application Form
The Permits Application form is used to apply for a building, sign, or Use and Occupancy permit. Required fields include, but are not limited to, property description, work description, owner information and type of permit applied for. You may use one of the following documents to obtain property description information: tax bill, the deed for the property or go to http://www.dat.state.md.us/ to retrieve property information by County and address.
Application Review
Once submitted, the permit application is reviewed by the applicable County, State or other appropriate agencies for approval, as required if a particular construction plan includes environmental, health and/or safety matters governed by agencies other than the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE).
These agencies could include the Health Department, Soil Conservation District (SCD), Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) or State Highway Administration. Representatives from these agencies are now, or soon will be, accessible in DPIE.
Transmittal Form
This form is used when making a revision to an existing permit.
Volume Builders Form
This form can be used by builders who apply for a large number of permits at any given time to expedite the application process. The first Permit Application has to be on a Regular Application.
The Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) has specific requirements for the form and content of every home improvement contract provided by the MHIC licensed contractor. Be sure you are familiar with those requirements before signing any home improvement contract. Home Improvement contractors must be licensed by the Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC). For any questions pertaining to contract contents, what constitutes a home improvement, or the professional standing of a specific home improvement contractor, contact the Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) at (410) 230–6309 or visit their web site at www.dllr.state.md.us.
ePlan Narrative Requirements
To apply for a revision to the application/permit, or address review comments, either the Applicant of Record, Occupant or Property Owner must send a signed pdf or Word document to eplan@co.pg.md.us with the narrative requirements indicated below. You will receive a notification from ePlan to upload the revised drawings after the revision to the application/permit has been processed.
Narrative Requirements:
• Case Number
• Applicant Name
• Email Address
• Revised Work Description
• List of file names being upload, if applicable
• Departmental reviews that have already been completed, if applicable
• Change of construction cost, if applicable
• Any Additional Changes, if applicable
• Include the following Attestation Statement
By submitting this application, I certify and attest that I am authorized to make this application. I certify that all statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made under the penalties of perjury. I agree to comply with all applicable Maryland and Prince George’s County laws and regulations. The work described herein is true and accurate and will be performed in compliance with applicable codes and standards of Prince Georges County and the State of Maryland. I hereby declare and affirm under penalty of perjury, that I understand Section 4-117 and that penalties of $1,000 per day can be assessed for working without or outside the scope this permit. The making of false statements on this application is punishable by civil or criminal penalties.