Inspection FAQs
Call 301-755-9000 to schedule an inspection. To reach the Inspections Division, call 301-636-2080.
I just purchased my home and I’m concerned about the structure being unstable, who can I contact?
The County investigates new home claims (homes one year old or less) of sub-standard construction. Please enter a service request under Property Damage Inspection and include specific concerns regarding the homeowner's claim, as well as the builder's name and contact information if known.
Construction noise is permitted daily from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Noise that can be heard within fifty (50) feet, or in a residence outside of these hours should be reported to the Police Department. Call the non-emergency number at (301) 352-1200. This will allow for an immediate response and investigation.
If the area is an active construction site, please report the issue to the Police Department. Call the non-emergency number at 301-352-1200 for an immediate response. If the area is not an active construction site, please enter a service request under Construction Issues.
Building permits expire after six (6) months of construction inactivity and/or no scheduled inspections. To report an abandoned construction project, enter a service request under Construction Issues.
Mud, dust or run-off from construction sites, due to truck traffic or other means, should be reported to the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement's Inspections Division. Please enter a service request under Construction Issues and include the name of the development as well as the intersecting streets.
What is the easiest way for me to schedule an inspection of my work?
You can schedule an inspection by calling the Automated Inspection Request and Information System (AIRIS) Line at 301-755-9000, between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Is an Electrical Permit required for an illuminated sign?
Yes. An electrical installation certification is required from a Maryland Certified Master Electrician in compliance with NEC and Prince George’s County Electrical Code, Subtitle 9. The individual must be approved by DPIE to conduct commercial electrical inspections. View the Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP) Approved Electrical Inspectors (PDF).
Is a Building Permit required for ground-mounted signs?
Yes. A Building Permit is required for footing construction and an inspection.
Is drip edge and ice shielding required in Prince George’s County?
Where can I find a third-party structural Inspector?
Structural Inspections need to be conducted by a MD DLLR licensed PE.
Commercial Inspections FAQs
- Who can I contact to have a fire protection system inspected and certified?
If you are installing a brand-new system, you would first need to obtain permit(s) by submitting Fire Protection Engineered plans for approval through DPIE's Building Plan Review Division.
If you are conducting a maintenance inspection and testing, you can utilize a person with the qualifications of a NICET level 3, up to a fire protection engineer to certify the testing and inspection of the system(s). The NICET inspector must be certified for the system(s) in which they are inspecting.
If utilizing a fire protection engineer, you will need to select one of the authorized inspectors provided in the Third-Party Inspection Program Fire Protection Consultant list. - May I use any electrical inspector for a Third-Party Electrical Inspection?
No, please click on this link and select one of the authorized inspectors provided in the Approved Third-Party Electrical Inspectors list. - Do you have a list of Third-Party Inspection companies who provide building inspections?
No, we do not; however, you may utilize any Maryland registered engineer to conduct the building inspection as long as there is no conflict of interest, such as a connection to the project designer of the system, construction, installation, etc. in which they intend to inspect.
For electrical and fire protection inspectors, the approved inspectors provided in this link can be used as long as there is no conflict of interest, such as the project designer of the system, construction, installation, etc. - How do I set up a Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP) Pre-Construction Meeting?
First, your construction project must meet the criteria and/or be approved to be part of the TPIP. If you are utilizing a third-party team that is familiar with the program, please assign a point person to make contact with the DPIE Inspections Division at 301-883-3820. Please make sure they specify whether or not the pre-construction meeting is for site development or the building construction portion, as these are conducted differently. - How can I find out what time my inspector will arrive?
Due to each inspection day being different from the day before with an unpredictable number of inspection requests, the Inspections Division usually provides a time between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. However, the division's staff will make an effort to provide you with a more accurate time frame, such as a.m. (before noon) or p.m. (after noon). - Can I operate a business of any type without a Use and Occupancy Certificate issued by Prince George’s County DPIE?
No, all businesses including home based businesses require a Use and Occupancy Certificate. - What is the Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP)?
The TPIP is usually required for all commercial construction projects with total construction cost amounts greater than $200,000. The Building Code Official or designated representative may include or exclude a project from the TPIP due to its complexity, simplicity, or innovation, based on recommendations from the Associate Director for the Inspections Division (ID) or designee, and/or upon written request from the property owner. - Why do I see Prince George’s County DPIE-owned vehicles parked after hours and during the workday at private residences?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Prince George’s County Executive authorized remote work locations and telework from home. This practice is still currently in place. Depending on their positions, DPIE staff may frequently be away from their private residences, or the County-owned vehicle may infrequently be mobile due to that employees’ duties, such as management; these managers still must respond to critical and essential emergencies that may arise from day to day. The employee may also be performing their duties as an inspector at this particular location. - My neighbor is performing illegal construction. Who should I contact?
You may contact Inspections by calling 301-883-3820 to report this activity. You may also report it to PGC311 by calling 3-1-1 and speaking to a live agent Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–7 p.m. or 301-883-4747 for those who live outside Prince George's County; or by going online to PGC311. - Do I need a permit to do work in Prince George’s County?
Any owner or owner’s authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installations of which is regulated by the adopted codes, DPIE, and WSSC, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit(s).
Residential Building Inspections FAQs
- What are the requirements for replacing my roof?
A permit is required when replacing sheathing. If only roofing shingles are being replaced, no permit is required. - Does Prince George’s County require drip edge and ice shield for a roof?
Yes. - Can I have a kitchen in my basement?
Yes, if it has been approved by plan review. - The inspector has not shown up for my scheduled inspection. Who can I call?
Call the Inspections Division Administration Office at 301-883-3820. - What time is the inspector coming for my inspection?
Inspectors try to arrive between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., but due to call volume, it may be later. - My permit received a final inspection. When will I receive my final U&O?
Your U&O will be sent in approximately 10 to 14 days. - I have recently experienced a fire at my house. How can I obtain a copy of my damage report.
Call for damage inspection at 301-883-3820. - My house was damaged by a vehicle. How can I obtain a copy of my damage report?
Call for damage inspection at 301-883-3820. - I recently experienced damage to my house from a storm.
How do I request an inspector to come out and prepare a damage report? Call for damage inspection at 301-883-3820. - What other agency can I call to file a complaint on a contractor?
You may call the Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC). - How can I speak to my inspector prior to my inspection?
You can request a return call by scheduling and using code 100.
Site/Road Development Inspections FAQs
- What is the easiest way for me to schedule an inspection of my work?
Schedule an inspection online or call the Inspections IVR phone number at 301-755-9000. - How do I get the results of an inspection?
Generally, the site inspector should provide you with an electronic copy of the inspection report. Inspection report data can also be found here. - Do I need a permit to repair or replace my driveway apron?
Yes, all work within the Prince Georges County Right of Way (ROW) requires a permit. - Can I cut down trees on my property?
Generally, removing one tree does not require a permit. However, contact the Maryland–National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M–NCPPC) Environmental Planning Section, at 301-952-3650 for guidance regarding tree removal and tree conservation approvals. - Do I need a permit to bring dirt onto my property?
If grading is less than 5000 sq. ft and the grades are not being altered by more than twelve inches. - There is construction in my area. The trucks leave a lot of mud and dirt in the road. Who is responsible for cleaning the street?
Report the incident to at PGC311 by calling 311 (or 301-883-4748 outside of Prince George’s County) or on the website at PGC311.com. - During what hours is construction allowed? Is there a noise ordinance? Who do I call to report construction noise outside of the time limits?
Construction noise is permitted daily from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Noise that can be heard within fifty (50) feet or in a residence outside of these hours should be reported to the Police Department. Call the non-emergency number at 301-352-1200. This will allow for an immediate response and investigation. - I witnessed a vehicle dump a lot of trash and furniture on the construction site last night. How do I report this?
If the area is an active construction site, please report the issue to the Police Department. Call the non-emergency number at 301-352-1200 for an immediate response. If the area is not an active construction site, please enter a service request under Construction Issues at PGC311 by calling 311 (or 301-883-4748 outside of Prince George’s County) or on the website at PGC311.com. - I would like to report an abandoned construction site. There hasn’t been any activity in several months. Is there anything that can be done?
Building permits expire after six (6) months of construction inactivity and/or no scheduled inspections. To report an abandoned construction project, enter a service request under Construction Issues at PGC311 by calling 311 (or 301-883-4748 outside of Prince George’s County) or on the website at PGC311.com.