Use & Occupancy Inspections

Every building and tenant in Prince George's County, with the exception of property within the City of Laurel, is required to have a Use and Occupancy Certificate (U&O) issued by the County before the business operation may begin. The U&O process verifies conformance with the applicable County and State codes necessary to ensure public safety and welfare. The Inspections Division performs inspections to assure the building meets zoning, property maintenance, and life safety requirements. Upon verifying compliance, the Inspections Division will approve the inspection and Permits Administration will issue the U&O. Please be aware that having a U&O Permit does not allow for any construction.
Once an inspection request is made, an inspector will contact you between 7 a.m.–9 a.m. to schedule an appointment within the next 5 working days.
Prior to Inspection
Please have your complete U&O Permit package, including a full-size copy of the approved site plan, on-site and ensure the following:
- Site is in compliance with site plan
- All equipment is operational and functions properly
- All doors, lights, life safety items, fire extinguishers, etc., are in good working condition
- A current inspection for each fire protection system (alarm, sprinkler, kitchen/hood, smoke control, emergency generator, etc.). Unless a continuous system inspection log is maintained, the inspection must be equivalent to a commissioning inspection outlined in the appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard and conducted by a professional that holds a National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) level III or better.
- Debris/trash is removed
To review a copy of business U&O requirements, click the "Certificate of Use & Occupancy Checklist."
Please Note:
In cases where a County Business License is required, businesses must obtain a U&O prior to issuance of the required license. Additional inspections also may be required for daycare centers, places of assembly, and special types of events from the Fire/EMS Department's Fire Prevention Office (301-583-1830) or if food is going to be handled/served, from the County's Health Department (301-883-7630).