About DPIE
The Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) is responsible for coordinating and enforcing standards that control what goes on before, during and after construction. Staff from nine agencies, who work cooperatively on permit processing, business licensing, plan review, inspection and enforcement comprise Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement.
Employees from County, bi-County and State agencies have co-located to the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement in an effort to streamline the department's processes.
The Mission of the Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement is to promote economic development in Prince George's County and protect the safety of County residents, businesses, and visitors through efficient permitting, inspection and licensing services to ensure compliance with established building, zoning and property standards codes.
To consolidate in a single location the various functions associated with the regulation and approval of economic development and redevelopment projects within the County and position the County as a national model for permit processing, plan review, inspections, code enforcement and business licensing.
- Permit Processing
- Plan Review
- Construction Inspections
- Property Code Enforcement
- Business Licensing
- Permitting and Licensing Division — Provides administrative oversight of permits and business licenses
- Site/Road Plan Review Division — Provides review and approval of site/road plans and permits for site development, grading, storm drainage, stormwater management, floodplain, roads, paving and utilities
- Building Plan Review Division — Provides technical support to the development community through the review and approval of plans for residential and commercial construction
- Inspections Division — Protects the natural and man-made environment in Prince George's County, as well as the safety and welfare of our citizens, by enforcing building, site and road development codes and regulations
- Enforcement Division — Ensures that Prince George's County remains a great place in which to live, work, visit and invest by enforcing property maintenance standards and appropriate zoning laws to keep communities free of litter and blighted properties
Legacy of DPIE
DPIE helps to position Prince George’s County as a national leader in fostering economic development consistent with environmental stewardship. The enduring legacy of DPIE will be the lasting economic benefits to County residents and businesses resulting from a streamlined regulatory framework that ensures safe and sustainable development in the County.
Additional Information
- View the Customer Service Functions on the First Floor
- Take a short survey: DPIE Customer Satisfaction Survey.