Electrical Section

This Section is responsible for electrical review within DPIE’s Building Plan Review Division to ensure the public safety through the effective enforcement of National Electrical Code, International Energy Conservation and Prince George’s County Codes. These include commercial and industrial plans. This is accomplished through electrical engineering plan review and inspection related to the administration and enforcement of building electrical and energy conservation codes and standards. The purpose of enforcing these codes is to maintain a strong commitment for practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity.
If you are a licensed electrician or a licensed professional engineer and have any technical questions, please call 301-636-2070. Otherwise:
- For general Permit questions, please call 301-636-2050.
- For Licensing questions, please call 301-883-3840.
- For Inspection questions and to reach individual inspectors, please call 301-883-3820.
Permit Application Types
- CIW Permit — (Commercial Interior/Remodel Walk-Through) requires electrical drawings for electrical work to be performed.
- CEW Permit — (Commercial Exterior Walk-Through) requires electrical drawings for electrical work to be performed.
- CUW Permit — (Commercial Interior with Use and Occupancy Walk-Through) requires existing electrical drawings for a change in use type and/or occupancy load. Otherwise, provide drawings for electrical work to be performed only.
- CGU Permit — (New Construction/Major Renovation with Grading) requires complete sets of electrical plans.
Electrical Plan Review Requirements
The following items are required for review of electrical drawings:
- Require original seal and signature by a Maryland Professional Engineer,[1] including professional statement certification with expiration date of license per state of Maryland, COMAR
- Power riser diagram including wiring method type, feeder sizes, conduit size, cable size and the over-current protection device, size and rating.
- Symbols List (Legend).
- Scope of work.
- Provide electrical energy calculation certification per (IECC). Software may be downloaded at www.Energycodes.gov.
- Fire alarm control panel (FACP) location.
- A wall-mounted battery pack operated emergency illumination shall be provided in the area of service equipment, switchboards, panel boards, load centers and motor control center, installed/modified indoors in all commercial occupancies. Refer to P.G. County Code Subtitle 9, Section 9-104-01 for additional requirements for the battery pack.
- Lighting Fixture schedule.
- Reflective ceiling plan, including track lighting and show-window lighting, and homeruns.
- Power plan showing the floor layout including homeruns.
- Panel schedules, panel locations and panel clearance in accordance with NEC, Article 110.26.
- Demand load calculations, including new additions and new additions added to existing loads. For the existing electrical service(s) with load modifications load calculations required per NEC, article 220.87.
- Fire pumps (if applicable) — provide the means of emergency sources, service size, feeder and full-load running current of the Locked-Rotor current and the over-current device sized in accordance with NFPA 20 and NEC, Article 695 (see note in 10). Refer to P.G. County Code Subtitle 9 for the additional requirements for the power.
- Location of emergency power source and distribution system for lighting and power. Also, verify the location of transfer switch(s).
- Emergency system and transfer equipment shall be separated by a wall or wall(s) with a minimum fire rating of two hour(s) per P.G. County code Subtitle 9, Section 9-109.01.
- The drawings shall be sized to 24”X 36” (min) with scale of 1/8” = 1’-0” (min) and having a text height of 1/8”.
- Provide system grounding detail for main incoming service switch including the size of grounding electrode conductor(s) and size of bonding jumper(s).
- Verify the physical location of service equipment (C/T cabinet, meter, service disconnect) on the power plan.
- All “lay-in” luminaires will require independent suspension to the building structure per P.G. County Code Subtitle 9, Section 9-108.02. Provide details.
- Provide Occupant Sensor Control System per International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
- Provide written response to each comment by directly modifying the drawings.
- All applicable codes and local amendments shall be noted on the cover sheet.
[1] Professional Engineer sign and seal is not required if there is no electrical work being performed per the submitted drawings/documents. However, the existing conditions electrical drawing for the work area shall be submitted.
Electrical Code Changes
Effective June 28, 2021, DPIE implemented Electrical Code changes in conjunction with the 2017 edition of the National Electrical Code associated with County Subtitle 9 (Electrical). There will be transitory provisions as per County Building Code Subtitle 4, Section 4-113 (g).
Non-Removal of Equipment Covers
Beginning January 1, 2017, when performing inspections which require you to view equipment where the removal of any covers is necessary, the master electrician and/or his designee shall be present at the time of inspection to perform such tasks and re-secure the equipment once completed. Prince George's County Inspectors are no longer responsible for the disassembling of any equipment in the performance of their duty.
Electrical Permit Applications Are Completed Online
Beginning March 2016, Electrical Permit applications shall be completed online by a Master Electrician, who has permission to apply online using his/her license number.
Building and Electrical Code Changes to Plans on File
Effective July 1, 2016, all "Plans on File" shall be updated to include the 2018 editions of the "International Building Code," "International Mechanical Code," "International Energy Conservation Code," "International Existing Building Code," "International Residential Code" for one- and two-family dwellings and the "2017 National Electric Code" with local Code amendments. Local Code amendments are included in CB-90 and CB-91-2015 and are available on the County’s Website at Legislative/Zoning Information System.