MPIA Processing at DPIE


Welcome to the Prince George’s County Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement's (DPIE) Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) home page, designed to improve and streamline the process.

To assist us in providing better customer service, DPIE is in the process of making several administrative improvements to the MPIA process, which include an improved internal tracking system, consistent procedures, an “Electronic Reading Room,” and the acceptance of requests via e-mail to

DPIE maintains certain records that are classified as public records which may be made available to the public in accordance with State law through the Maryland Public Information Act, Annotated Code of Maryland, General Provisions Article (“GP”), §4-201 et seq.

Maryland’s Public Information Act states that agencies should grant the public a broad right of access to public records, with some exceptions. Within the parameters of State law, it is DPIE’s policy to conduct its work in an open manner and provide the public with a maximum amount of accurate and timely information. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact DPIE at

Data Transparency

Before submitting your request, did you know that you can search for your information at no cost and at your convenience?

To search for permits by property address or permit history, visit: Permit Search ( If you would like a copy of a permit, request one using the MPIA form.

To search for inspection history by permit number, visit: Inspections History By Permit Number (

LookSee — Property Explorer

To research permits and properties in Prince George's County, use LookSee. The portal allows you to view Momentum information related to permits, licenses, inspections, and enforcement by entering the full application/permit number or property address.

Application Tracker — Check the Status of Plan Reviews

DPIE’s Application Tracker is a tool that gives users a snapshot of where a permit application is in the plan review process. To use Application Tracker, enter your Application Number into the DPIE Application Tracker portal and see your plan review progress. Each review has a status listed at the bottom of the page (Pending, Under Review, Completed, Hold for Corrections, Out to Applicant).

Data Prince George's

Prince George's County, in an effort to promote data transparency, provides Data Prince George's, a website of information available to the public that includes data on: communities, County Government, finance, public safety, urban planning, education, health, and the environment.

Permits, Inspections, and Foreclosures MPIA Requests

For those seeking information on residential and commercial permits, housing inspection violations and County foreclosures, you may click on the "Urban Planning" link and view this information for free.

MVA Zoning Forms Requests

When submitting your MVA "Zoning Approval Form," CS-053 (page 4 in the list of forms) to Enforcement for sign-off, complete only the top portion of the form. Email the partially completed form along with a copy of your Use & Occupancy Permit. The form will be reviewed, signed, and returned to the originating email address in approximately five business days. All documents should be emailed to

Partial Use & Occupancy or Job Card numbers will not be accepted. You can obtain a copy of your Use & Occupancy Permit from the Permits Counter located at 9400 Peppercorn Place, Largo, MD 20774 on the first floor.

Contact Information

Policy and Code

  • In accordance with State law, the public may inspect records of the government with some exceptions. There is a fee attached for the search, reproduction and inspection of the requested documents.