Sign Permits and Inspections
Prince George's County's Sign Ordinance regulates the placement of signs on private properties in Prince George’s County, with the exception of the City of Laurel. The Ordinance governs the size and location of signs through the issuance of sign permits and monitoring through inspections of on-site locations. All sign permits are inspected by DPIE's Code Enforcement Division. For questions concerning a sign inspection or to schedule an inspection, please call 301-883-6168.
- An Electrical Permit is required for sign illumination.
- A Building Permit is required for footing construction and an inspection.
Application for All Sign Permits
Sign Permit applications are completed online. Please go to the Momentum portal and enter the information directly into the County’s Permitting System.

Freestanding Signs
Freestanding, Ground-Mounted Signs require a Use and Occupancy Permit, unless the sign is a Monument/Entrance sign to a residential neighborhood, shopping center or business park. Should you need a Use and Occupancy Permit, follow the instructions below found under Building-Mounted Signs.
- Site/Plot Plans
- Structural Drawings
- Sign Applications Showing Sign Dimensions and a Valid Use and Occupancy Permit Number
Building-Mounted Signs
Building-Mounted Signs require a Use and Occupancy Permit, which means a Building Permit application needs to be completed online. Please go to the Momentum portal and enter the information directly into the County’s Permitting System. You will need:
- Property Account Number
- Structural Drawings
- Sign Applications Showing Sign Dimensions and a Valid Use and Occupancy Permit Number
Inspection Procedure
Once the permit has been issued, the applicant/permittee can schedule an inspection. All sign permits are inspected by DPIE's Code Enforcement Division. For questions concerning a sign inspection, please call 301-883-6168.
- Schedule an inspection by calling DPIE's Code Enforcement Division at 301-883-6168.
- If a sign permit has an associated foundation and/or electrical components, the permittee must provide the following inspection certifications to the County DPIE Code Enforcement Inspector at the final sign inspection:
- A permit is required for foundations and footings. The foundation/footing certification must be submitted from a registered Maryland Professional Engineer in compliance with the approved plans and appropriate code section. The individual must be in good standing with the State of Maryland Department of Labor.
- A permit is required for all electrical work. An electrical installation certification from a Maryland Certified Master Electrician in compliance with NEC and Prince George’s County Electrical Code, Subtitle 9. The individual must be approved by DPIE to conduct commercial electrical inspections. View the Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP) Approved Electrical Inspectors.
- DPIE's Code Enforcement Inspector will save the Third-Party Inspection certifications as an attachment in ePermits.