Traffic Engineering

The Traffic Engineering Section reviews Site/Road Permit projects for compliance with applicable traffic standards. The primary purpose of this review is to ensure that roads are designed and built to achieve safety for the traveling public. The Traffic Engineering Section reviews projects in the early entitlement phase approvals processed through Maryland–National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M–NCPPC), as well as during the permit phases. The traffic reviews include but are not limited to the following:
- Paving Plans
- Street Grade Establishment Plans
- Traffic Signing and Pavement Markings Plans
- Maintenance of Traffic Plans
- Street Tree and Lighting Plans
- Traffic Signal Plans
- Pedestrian Signal Plans
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Plans
- Traffic Calming Devices
- Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA)
- Bicycle/Pedestrian Studies
- Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses (TSWA)
- Sight Distance Analyses
- Queuing Analyses
- Concept Plans
- Stop Control Analyses
- Road Closure Requests
- Operation Analyses
- M–NCPPC Development Related Case Applications
- Access Control Plans
- Cost Estimates
The Traffic Engineer Section coordinates development projects with State agencies such as the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), municipalities, and other local government agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) and the M–NCPPC. It is important for the permittee to determine if the roadways in the vicinity of a permit project are maintained by the County, the SHA or the municipality. The designation of County roadways is defined in the County’s Pavement Assessment Management System (PAMS).
DPIE Site/Road Extended Work Hours and Nighttime Request Procedure for Approval
- Justification letter:
- Provide reason for extended working hours beyond 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Provide reason for weekend work.
- Provide all other documents to support your request.
- Location(s) of work:
- Typical approvals are outside residential areas.
- No work during peak hours (AM: 6:00 – 8:30 a.m.; PM: 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.) unless reason to work during these hours are beyond the contractor’s/permittee’s control.
- Date(s):
- Time:
- Typical approval for nighttime work on weekdays ranges from: 9:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Typical approval for weekend work ranges from: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Typical approval for nighttime work on weekend: None
- Duration of work: night and/or weekend work. Provide length of the extended work hours:
- DPIE issued permit and plans with specific area of work:
- Address and location of home(s) impacted (as needed):
- Proposed and/or approved MOT and/or intended SHA MOT standards details or site-specific details.
- TPI Inspector/Foreman/Superintendent contact information (email address and cell phone number) as approved for the permit.
Reviews: Step-by-Step
STEP 1 — During the early entitlement phase of projects (preliminary plan of subdivision), the DPIE Traffic Engineering Section reviews Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA). The Traffic Engineering Section participates in scoping of TIA’s and conducts a detailed review of TIA’s. The Traffic Engineering Section also reviews bicycle/pedestrian studies for projects that must comply with this requirement. These studies are submitted to M–NCPPC and then referred back to DPIE. These studies are typically required during the Preliminary Plan of Subdivision process and often result in offsite road or intersection improvements as conditions of approval.
STEP 2 — During the Site Development Concept approval process, the Traffic Engineering Section reviews cases to confirm acceptable preliminary roadway layouts, roadways and pedestrian systems that comply with the master plan, and adequate sight distance for new entrances onto existing roadways.
STEP 3 — The Traffic Engineering Section reviews Street Grade Establishment plans for public County roadways to confirm adequate horizontal and vertical geometry. These plans must be approved before filing the permit.
STEP 4 — During the permit stage, the Traffic Engineering Section reviews permits for Site Development Fine Grading, Street Construction, Special Utility, and Small Wireless in the Right-of-Way. The review addresses the traffic engineer aspects as highlighted above. Roads located in the County municipalities do not require a DPIE traffic engineering review, since these permits must be approved by the municipality.
Approvals: Codes, Standards, and Guidelines
The traffic engineering requirements in Prince George’s County are defined by the County Code, as well as the following local, state, and federal codes, standards and guidelines:
- Prince George’s County Maryland, Department of Public Works and Transportation Specifications and Standards for Roadways and Bridges — Latest Edition
- MDOT SHA Access Manual
- Maryland Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MD-MUTCD)
- National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
- Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA): SHA — Guidelines for Traffic Impact Reports/Studies
- Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA): M–NCPPC — Transportation Review Guidelines
- ITE Trip Generation
- Request for Extended and Nighttime Working Hours within the Right-of-Way (ROW) Roadway work
- Utility Work at or Near Traffic Signal (Refer to Traffic Control Checklist)
- Temporary Road Closure Request Procedures (Refer to Traffic Control Checklist)
- DPW&T Pavement Assessment Management System (PAMS)
- DPW&T Annual Daily Traffic Counts (Contact DPW&T Traffic Safety Division)
- Crash History (Contact DPW&T Traffic Safety Division)
Forms and Checklists
The following design review checklists shall be used and submitted with permit applications.
- Design Review Checklist Signing and Pavement Marking
- Design Review Checklist Special Utility Permit
- Design Review Checklist Street Grade Establishment Plan
- Design Review Checklist Street Tree and Lighting
- Design Review Checklist Traffic Control
- Design Review Checklist Traffic Signal
Fees for traffic engineering review of Site Development Concepts, Site Development Rough/Fine Grading Permits and Street Construction Permits are described on the Site/Road Cost Estimates, Fees and Bonds page of this website. Fees for Special Utility Permits and Small Wireless Right-of-Way Permits are described in these topic specific areas of the website. There are no review fees for DPIE's review of TIA’s and TSWA’s or Street Grade Establishment Plans.
Key Contacts
- DPIE Site/Road Plan Review Division — Traffic Engineering Section: 301-636-2060
- DPW&T Traffic Signal Shop: 240-832-0087 or 301-499-8616; Alternate: 301-883-3734 or 301-324-2710
- DPW&T/WMATA Bus Stop Relocation Requests
- The Bus — Prince George’s County, DPWT’s Office of Transportation: 301-883-5656
- Metro — WMATA, Office of Bus Planning: 202-962-6085
- The Bus — Prince George’s County, DPW&T’s Office of Transportation: 301-883-5656,
- Metro — WMATA, Office of Bus Planning: 202-962-6085
- DPW&T Traffic Response & Information Partnership (TRIP) (TRIP CENTER)
- DPW&T Office of Engineering and Project Management