Frequently Asked Questions
Fire & Life Safety Section FAQs
- Do I need a permit if I am modifying less than 10 sprinkler heads?
- Do you review plumbing drawings?
- What are the fees for a fire alarm or sprinkler system?
- What are the current editions being used for applicable NFPA standards?
- What is the maximum distance allowed from the fire department connection to the nearest fire hydrant?
- How do I schedule a Fire Inspection?
- Do single family homes (one- and two-family dwellings) require automatic sprinklers?
- Do I need to file plans for a sprinkler monitoring system?
- Do I need to file fire alarm shop drawings to change a fire alarm panel?
- What adjustment to the water supply is required?
- When do I need to request a water test from Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) with my automatic sprinkler system?