
Permit Applications

Get your permit started on DPIE's Momentum portal. Once all the information is entered, including the case name/type, your application will be sent to processing. You will receive an email from a supervisor in the Permit Center stating that you are ready to proceed with your case through the electronic plan review (ePlan) process.

The ePlan Process

The ePlan (ProjectDox software) process is an online system for processing digital plan submissions. You will receive an email from “eplan_noreply@co.pg.md.us” with instructions on how to upload your plans; please remember to configure your email spam filters to accept email from this address.

If one of the above steps is not completed, the application will not be processed.

All ePlan post-revision requests should be sent to eplan@co.pg.md.us. The request should include an attached written narrative with a detailed work description along with a list of the project-related revised drawings or documents.

Remember to click to add ePlan to your favorites at the bottom of the ProjectDox Login screen. For those customers returning to ePlan, you may click directly on the ePlan link.

ePlan "How to" Links

The following links provide helpful information to a user guide and "How to" videos.

ePlan User Information

If you are experiencing issues with seeing or reviewing your design(s) in their Drawing Folders or unable to view Reports, review your Internet Trust/Permission settings and Firewall settings.

Fees:  All post revision commercial projects that include revisions or changes to the drawings will be assessed a fee, and all post-revision commercial projects that do not include revisions or changes to the drawings will be assessed a lesser fee.  All post revision residential projects will also be assessed a fee. Additional fees may be assessed during the post-revision review process.

The point of contact throughout the ePlan online process will be the applicant that completes the online application. Therefore, we encourage all applicants working within the same company to utilize a generic email address and password during the completion of the online application. In the event that the applicant leaves the company, the company will be required to provide the contact information of the new applicant. The contact information of the new applicant can be sent to eplan@co.pg.md.us.

All applicants with access to the ePlan system will have the ability to add any additional members with “view only rights” to the projects on the applicant’s current task list. The applicant can also request for additional members to be added to the project on the applicant’s current task list by sending an email to eplan@co.pg.md.us as an alternative.

“View only rights” for the additional members will allow the following in ePlan:  access to the “project reports” that provide current department review and project status updates; and access to see the uploaded documents/drawings in the applicable folders.

The additional member will be required to provide first name, last name, and email address to the applicant in order to be added with “view only rights” on the ePlan system. Please review pages 23 thru 25 of the ePlan Applicant User Guide. Additional members added with “view only rights” will not be able to perform any applicant task.

For an overview of the Building Permit review process, see the residential, commercial, and third party/peer review ePlan workflow charts.

For an overview of the Site/Road Permit ePlan Workflow process, see the floodplain approval, site development concept, site development grading permit, street grade establishment plan, and street construction permit workflow charts listed at the bottom of the Site/Road Permits page.

ePlan Narrative Requirements

To apply for a revision to the application/permit, or address review comments, either the Applicant of Record, Occupant or Property Owner must send a signed pdf or Word document to eplan@co.pg.md.us with the narrative requirements indicated below. You will receive a notification from ePlan to upload the revised drawings after the revision to the application/permit has been processed.

Narrative Requirements:

  • Case Number
  • Applicant Name
  • Email Address
  • Revised Work Description
  • List of file names being upload, if applicable
  • Departmental reviews that have already been completed, if applicable
  • Change of construction cost, if applicable
  • Any Additional Changes, if applicable
  • Include the following Attestation Statement:
      By submitting this application, I certify and attest that I am authorized to make this application. I certify that all statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made under the penalties of perjury. I agree to comply with all applicable Maryland and Prince George’s County laws and regulations. The work described herein is true and accurate and will be performed in compliance with applicable codes and standards of Prince Georges County and the State of Maryland. I hereby declare and affirm under penalty of perjury, that I understand Section 4-117 and that penalties of $1,000 per day can be assessed for working without or outside the scope this permit. The making of false statements on this application is punishable by civil or criminal penalties.