Construction Code Compliance Unit
The Construction Code Compliance Unit (CCCU) oversees units in unpermitted construction, drainage problems, and special utilities.

Unpermitted Construction
Any owner or owner’s agent who constructs, enlarges, alters, repairs, moves, demolishes, converts, or changes the occupancy of a building or structure without first obtaining a permit is in violation of County Codes adopted from the International Residential and Building Codes. All Unpermitted Construction is investigated by the County’s Construction Code Compliance Unit (CCCU).
Some examples of construction in which permits are required:
- Additions and renovations which includes installing framework, insulation, drywall (more than 2 sheets), replacing the subfloor, replacing the roof sheathing, removing a wall, widening or constructing a doorway or window, and changing or installing steps
- Waterproofing
- Decks (over 200 sf and over 30 inches above the ground)
- Fences over 4 ft
- Retaining wall over 2 ft
- Patios over 500 sf
- Extended driveways and sidewalks
- Sheds over 150 sf
- Multiple accessory structures
- Electrical work
- Mechanical work including replacing the outside unit
- Plumbing and gas work (requires a permit from WSSC)
- Grading (disturbing more than 5000 sf, changing the drainage pattern, bringing in more than 100 cy of fill)
If unpermitted construction is observed, a violation and an administrative citation will be issued to the owner. All violations can be satisfied by removing the unpermitted construction or obtaining a permit. All administrative citations can be paid at the Cashier’s Office at 9400 Peppercorn Place, Largo, MD 20774 or online at Prince George’s County ePayments. If an owner wishes to contest the citation, he or she may request a hearing from the Administrative Hearing Unit. The second page of the citation must be signed and then submitted to AHU@co.pg.md.us within 30 days of the date of issuance.
All unpermitted construction can be reported at PGC311. Live agents are available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. by calling 3-1-1 (or 301-883-4748 if outside Prince George's County). You may also report unpermitted construction and other violations online at www.pgc311.com.
Drainage Problems
The Construction Code Compliance Unit (CCCU) investigates drainage complaints caused by a neighboring residence or business.
Some examples of drainage problems handled by CCCU include:
- Sump-pump pipes or rain leaders discharging within 10 ft of the property line
- Installing a fence which blocks a drainage swale
- Grading the yard which changes the drainage pattern
- Constructing structures which block or change surface drainage
- Drainage problem caused by digging from a utility company
- Homeowner has installed a sump-pump pipe thru the curb or near the sidewalk
Drainage problems that occur naturally, such as a wet backyard from ground water or water running out of a wooded area, are handled by Prince George's County Department of the Environment (301-883-5810). Drainage problems in the right-of-way, such as receiving excess water after the road was paved or a drainage ditch needing grading, are handled by Prince George's County Department of Public Works (301-324-2710).
Drainage problems can be reported at PGC311. Live agents are available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. by calling 3-1-1 (or 301-883-4748 if outside Prince George's County). You may also report drainage problems and other violations online at www.pgc311.com.
Special Utilities
The Construction Code Compliance Unit (CCCU) inspects all Special Utility Permit work in the County. The safety of the residents in work zones is our #1 priority. Some frequently reported resident complaints have been:
- Driveways blocked by utility company equipment
- Yards not restored to original condition
- Traffic back-ups
- Roadway needing to be cleaned (stones, debris) in work zones
If you are experiencing any problems or concerns regarding utility work being done in your area, special utilities complaints can be reported to PGC311. Live agents are available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m. by calling 3-1-1 (or 301-883-4748 if outside Prince George's County). You may also report special utilities complaints and other violations online at www.pgc311.com.
Prince George’s County DPIE Utility Inspectors Contact Information
- Chief Inspector Denny Brittingham, 240-508-9619, email: dtbrittingham@co.pg.md.us
- Inspector Reginald Wright, 301-310-1012, email: rkwright@co.pg.md.us; everything north of Route 4, outside the beltway
- Inspector Nitin Lengade, 240-508-8835, email: nalengade@co.pg.md.us; everything inside the beltway
- Inspector Bahram Forouzanfar, 240-935-2376, email: rkwright@co.pg.md.us; everything south of Route 4, outside the beltway