Agricultural Resources Advisory Commission
Regular Meetings
- All meetings are held virtually until further notice
- Currently meeting monthly for the first 6 months and will transition to quarterly meetings.
Next meeting: Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 1 pm - 2:30 pm
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Click here to join the meeting on your computer or mobile app
Or join by entering a meeting ID
Meeting ID: 254 310 492 424
Passcode: bucBKP
Or call in (audio only)
+1 443-961-1463,,517024740# United States, Baltimore
Phone Conference ID: 517 024 740#
The Agricultural Resources Advisory Committee (ARAC) serves as the central point of information for the farming community regarding governmental programs affecting agricultural operations. It advises the County regarding the effect on agricultural operations of potential and existing laws, policies, rules, and regulations.
The Agricultural Resources Advisory Committee was established in 2012 according to CB-07-2012 ARAC.
- Ms. Jo-Ann Romano, Romano Vineyard & Winery
Farm Bureau Representative
Term Expiration: 6/30/2024 - Vacant, Maryland Cooperative Extension Representative
- Vacant, Prince George's County Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board Representative
- Mr. Steven E Darcey, CPESC, Executive Director
Prince George's County Soil Conservation District Representative
Term Expiration: 6/30/2023 - Vacant, United States Department of Agriculture Representative
- Essita R. Duncan
Non-Farming Interest Representative
Term Expiration: 6/30/2024 - Vacant, Prince George's County Association of Realtors Representative
- Vacant, Equine Industry Representative
- Mr. Daniel A. Donohue, Member of Prince George's County Forestry Board
Foresty Industry Representative
Term Expiration: 6/30/2024 - William "Bill" O. Ritchie, Jr.
Citizen Member
Term Expiration: 6/30/2024 - Darren T. Gibson, Ed.D.
Citizen Member
Term Expiration: 6/30/2023 - Pharyn E. Smith
Citizen Member
Term Expiration: 6/30/2024 - Vacant, Citizen Member (Vegetable Production)
- Vacant, Ex-Officio Member Representative
- Vacant, Ex-Officio Member Representative
Membership Requirements
ARAC consists of 13 voting members and 2 ex-officio members including,
- Four citizen representatives
- Nine members representing specific agencies, organizations, and communities
- Farm Bureau
- University of Maryland Extension
- Prince George's County Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board
- Soil Conservation District
- Non-Farming Interest
- Prince George's County Association of Realtors
- Equine Community
- Forestry Community
Individuals who wish to apply for any board/commission must send a letter of interest and resume to pgcboardvacancy@co.pg.md.us.
About the Board
The Agricultural Resources Advisory Committee (CB-07-2012) was enacted to serve as a link between the farming community and local government. The powers and duties of ARAC are as follows:
- Serve as the central point of information for the farming community regarding governmental programs affecting agricultural operations;
- Advise County government regarding the effect on agricultural operations of existing laws, policies, rules, and regulations;
- Advise County government regarding the effect on agricultural operations of potential laws, policies, rules, and regulations;
- Work to establish better communication and understanding between the agricultural industry and the community at large; and
- Advise the County government on the implementation of state and local initiatives pertaining to development such as, but not limited to, rural legacy, nutrient management, and smart growth programs.
Staff Members
E. Fatimah Hasan, AICP, Planner III
Special Projects Section, Countywide Planning Division
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Charles Sasscer, Agricultural Marketing Specialist
Agricultural Reconciliation Subcommittee
Prince George's County
University of Maryland Extension