Board of Registration for Electricians
Regular Meeting
- 4 p.m.
- 2nd Tuesday of every other month starting with February (April, June, August, and October). There are no meetings in December.
- Virtual Meetings
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
View All Agendas and Minutes | Subscribe to Agendas and Minutes
- Steven W. Johnson, Chairman
- Alvin J. Biagas, Jr., Vice-Chair
- Joseph D. Armstrong
- Lisa A. Dixon
- James A. Reid
Additional Support Provided by:
- Prince George's County Office of Law
Duties & Responsibilities
The Electrical Board receives applications and gives examinations for any persons desiring to be licensed as an electrical contractor or master electrician. The Board also holds hearings on the denial, revocation and suspension of a license.
Electrical Board Exam
This test is for the Master Limited Electrician. Tests are administered virtually, and dates are scheduled by the Office of Boards and Commissions.
- Testing is every other month starting in January (March, May, July, September, and November)
Other Information
- The Electrical Board administers and grades licensing tests. Tests are offered in odd months of the year.
- The Electrical Board conducts hearings to resolve complaints on an as-needed basis.
- Membership is comprised of members appointed by the County Executive.
- The Electrical Board reviews and recommends changes to legislation, policies and procedures related to existing County codes and regulations.
For further information or questions regarding the Board of Registration for Electricians, please contact the Coordinator, Michelle Lyons, Administrator of Boards and Commissions, at OBC@co.pg.md.us or 301-636-2020.