Pension Trust Fund Board of Trustees
Regular Meetings
- The 4th Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise noted)
- Wayne K. Curry Administration Building
1301 McCormick Drive
4th Floor
Largo, MD 20774
Open Meetings Act
The Board of Trustees is a public body under the State Open Meetings Act. Please contact the Pensions and Investments Division (301-883-6390) prior to attending a meeting to confirm dates and times, which are subject to change.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
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View a full list of Board of Trustees members (PDF).
The mission of the Board of Trustees is to prudently manage the investment programs for the members, and beneficiaries, of the Comprehensive and Supplemental Pension Plans.
The Prince George's County Pension Trust Funds are composed of 4 comprehensive defined benefit pension plans for public safety employees (Police, Fire Service, Corrections, Deputy Sheriff) and 5 supplemental defined benefit pension plans for non-public safety employees (Crossing Guards, AFSCME, General Schedule, Fire Civilian, Police Civilian).
The County established Trusts for the benefit of all members of the Prince George's County Police (1962), Fire Service (1966), Deputy Sheriff (1985) and Correctional Officer (1996). The County established Trusts for the Supplemental Pension Plans in the early 1990s to provide enhanced and customized pension benefits, in addition to the benefits provided through the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the management of the Trust Funds.