Heat Warning in Effect

County urges caution during this severe weather event. Visit mypgc.us/StayCool for more info.

Trash Time Change

Due to extreme heat, trash collection throughout the county will begin at 5 am beginning Monday, July 15, 2024. Learn more at mypgc.us/ClearTheCurb.

Art Selection Process

The Art in Public Places Panel oversees and approves all artwork commissioned or purchased through the program.

Project Advisory Committee

In addition, a Project Advisory Committee is appointed by the Panel to assist with the selection of each public work. This Committee consists of up to 9 members and must include:

  • 1 Panel member
  • A representative of the County Council corresponding to the District in which the project is located
  • The Art in Public Places Program Administrator

Additional Members

Additional members may include:

  • Artists
  • Arts professionals
  • Citizens
  • County architectural, engineering or construction management professionals
  • Others with special interest or expertise in the particular project

Selection Criteria

The selection of artwork for each construction project is based on the following criteria:

  • Appropriateness of concept, medium, scale, and content, relative to the construction site
  • Artistic excellence and innovation
  • Community support and interest
  • Durability and maintenance needs, relative to possible damages (i.e. vandalism, weathering)

Selection Procedures

Commissions are selected through one of the following procedures:

  • Direct Purchase: A complete, existing work is purchased for the project site
  • Direct Selection: One artist/artist team is selected to develop a full proposal for the project site commission
  • Invitational Competition: The Panel invites a limited number of artists to submit proposals for the project site commission, and one is chosen
  • Open Competition:
    • An open call for entries is distributed
    • Artists must submit an application with examples of previous work
    • Of the submissions, a select number of artists are chosen to develop detailed proposals for the project site commission, and one is chosen