Board of Ethics
- Charlene Gallion, Member
- Dr. Kara N. Hunt, Member
- Melanie Barr-Brooks, Member
- Jason Papanikolas, Member
Executive Director
Todd M. Turner, Esq.
The Board renders advisory opinions to officials and the employees of the County as to all questions arising under the Code of Ethics. The Board hears and deliberates on complaints presented by OEA and authorizes the conduct of investigations in connection with the Code of Ethics. Additionally, the Board is scheduled to hold public meetings every second Wednesday of the month (feel free to check OEA's calendar page for monthly updates).
Requesting an Opinion
If you would like the Board to render an advisory opinion, please email or complete the Online Ethics Advice Form here.
You may also forward a written request to:
Office of Ethics and Accountability (OEA)
Largo Government Center
9201 Basil Court, Suite 155
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your request should contain:
- A complete statement of the facts, including your name, address and phone number
- Your official position
- A brief description of your agency, commission or office
- The nature of the question
- Requests must be submitted prior to taking an action
After Issuing an Opinion
After issuance, OEA must publish any such opinion in accordance with the County’s Code of Ethics. However, identifying information about you will be redacted unless you consent otherwise in writing.
Identity Protection
In some cases, protecting the identity of the subject is not possible. Whenever possible, opinions are drafted so that deletions to protect identities are unnecessary. If the Board of Ethics finds that the privacy interest of a public employee or other person clearly outweighs the public's need to be informed about the Board’s actions, the Board may publish a list of opinions that have not been published with an explanation stating the reason why each was not published. Additionally, the Board is scheduled to hold public meetings every second Wednesday of the month (feel free to check OEA's calendar page for monthly updates).
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
Board Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law
The Board of Ethics is empowered with authority to determine violations of the County's Ethics Code pursuant to Section 2-292(i). The Board of Ethics reviews all complaints of alleged violations, conducts fact findings and hearings, and determines if an Ethics Code violation has occurred. Investigations of ethics violations are completed by the Office of Ethics and Accountability and referred to the Board of Ethics for a determination of violations. A finding of a violation is public information.
Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Order - January 2021
Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Order - June 2021
Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Order - November 2022
Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Order - June 2024