Application for Products and Services
Application for Products and Services PDF
Link to online Application for Products and Services
Application Deadline
Application Deadline: Before any election, neither the State Administrator nor any election director may respond to an application for a voter registration list unless the application was filed on or before the advanced registration deadline. Applications received after that date shall be returned. (COMAR
Qualifications for a Voter Registration List
To apply for a voter registration list, the applicant must be a registered voter in the State of Maryland and must sign a statement under penalty of perjury that the list is not intended to be used for purposes of commercial solicitation or any other purpose not related to the electoral process. (Election Law Article, §3-506, Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR and
Other Services
The Prince George’s County Board of Elections allows the public to visit the office and view the most current Voter Registration History records electronically. There is a short form that must be filled out along with proper identification.
A deposit fee must accompany the application. Deposits are non-refundable. The applicant agrees to pay the remaining balance prior to receiving products.
Payments are acceptable in the form of cash, check, money order, or County Expense Distribution form.
- If paying by cash, you must have the exact amount.
- Make checks payable to Prince George’s County, Maryland. There will be a $35 assessment fee for returned checks.
Process & Pick Up Time
The standard time for processing a request is up to 10 business days. Customer must pick up product within 10 days of notification that product is ready. Agency will not be liable for products not picked up in a timely manner.