Beautification / Tree Planting Committee
The Prince George’s County Beautification Committee was established in 1960 as the citizens’ advisory group for matters related to street and landscaping programs. In 1965 we became an official arm of the Prince George’s County Government. Committee members were instrumental in establishing the Willow Oak as the County tree, the Glenn Dale Azalea as the County shrub, Bee Balm as the County herb, and the Daffodil as the County flower.
The Beautification/Tree Planting Committee:
- Encourages each municipality to cooperate and coordinate their endeavors with the County
- Provides for a systematic procedure for the beautification of the streets, roads and public rights-of-way
- Provides for the facilitation of citizen participation in the fulfillment of an established plan
Arbor Day/ TREE CITY Recognition
The tradition of involving an entire elementary school in the celebration of Arbor Day began in 1985 with County Executive Parris Glendenning. He supported getting school children together to plant trees and learn about how important trees are to our environment.
Our Annual Arbor Day Celebration incorporates this vision. The Beautification Committee partners with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Department of the Environment (DOE), the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T), Maryland -National Capitol Park and Planning, and Prince George’s County Soil Conservation District along with the selected school suitable for each grade level to participate in the festivities.
The Tree City USA program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the UDSA Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters to nationally recognizes urban and community forestry programs. Prince George’s County has been given this award consecutively since 1984. Receiving this national award is an excellent indicator that our County is taking its tree care responsibilities seriously.
Annual Beautification Awards
Through our Beautification Awards Program, Prince George’s County honors those who have contributed to the community through excellence in gardening and landscape design. The Beautification Committee is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the preservation of Prince George’s County as a healthy and pleasant place to live and work.
We honor the following categories for the County:
Residential – Both homeowners and renters
Community – Subdivisions, municipalities, civic groups, clubs, schools or community properties.
Commercial / Industrial – Apartment common areas.
Based on the judge’s evaluation, first year winners will be given a Beautification Certificate Award. First year winners are then encouraged to submit their gardens every year for up to five years to receive the Golden Trowel Award. Golden Trowel award winners will have their names entered into the Horticultural Hall of Excellence on the sixth year. Awards will be presented at the annual awards ceremony and reception for all participants held in September.
More information available on the committee website: www.pgcbeautification.com