Applications and Information for Products
Online Application for Products and Services
Download Application for Products and Services
Board of Elections (District) Maps are $50.00 per map.
Maps are available online at no cost.
Important Information
Application Deadline
Other Services
The Prince George's County Board of Elections allows the public to visit the office and view the most current Voter Registration History records electronically. There is a short form that must be filled out along with proper identification.
Important Reminders
- A deposit fee must accompany the application
- If paying by cash, you must have the exact amount
- Payments are acceptable in the form of cash, check, money order, credit card, electronic check, or County Expense Distribution form
- The applicant agrees to pay the remaining balance prior to receiving products
- There will be a $35.00 assessment fee for return checks
- The standard time for processing a request is 10 business days
- Make checks payable to: Prince George’s County, Maryland
- Customer must pick up product within 10 days of notification that product is ready
- Agency will not be liable for products not picked up in a timely manner.
- Maps are available online at no cost.
Voter Registration Export
Region |
Fee |
Countywide |
$75 |
Individual District Below 50,000 Voters |
$30 |
Individual District Above 50,000 Voters |
$50 |
Election Results
Type of Election |
Fee |
Precinct by Precinct |
$25 |
Congressional District |
$25 |
Legislative District |
$25 |
Councilmanic District |
$25 |
School Board District | $25 |
Results Obtained Online |
No Cost |
Absentee Listing
Type of Listing |
Fee |
Statewide (SBE) |
$125 |
Countywide | $75 |
Supplemental | $10 |
Legislative District |
$50 |
School Board District | $50 |
Council District |
$50 |
Congressional District |
$50 |
Candidate Filing Fee
Office |
Fee |
Clerk of the Court |
$25 |
Central Committee |
$10 |
Miscellaneous Fees
Item/Service | Fee |
CDs | $5 |
Printouts |
$5 - $25 (prices may vary) |
Labels | $0.10 per label |
Deposit | $20 (nonrefundable) |
Maps (includes Countywide, Congressional District, Legislative District, Council District, School Board) |
$50 Maps available online at no cost |
Certification Letters |
$2 |