Fire & Life Safety Section

Photo Courtesy of Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department.
The Fire & Life Safety Section conducts all reviews of projects that require a fire review within DPIE’s Building Plan Review Division. These include commercial building plans, suppression systems and fire alarm systems. We maintain a strong commitment to life safety, and sound code enforcement remains the paramount objective while delivering high quality services to the public. This function receives overall management and administration from the Fire Code Official.
Third-Party Review Program
Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Suppression Systems, Voice Alarm Systems and Fire Alarm Systems MUST go through the Third-Party Review/Approval Process. The Third-Party Review Program (TPRP) provides a quality assurance plan that reviews the process for ensuring the agency will perform contracted plan review, report non-conforming items to the attention of the owner/designer, and provide timely reports for each review or re-review, and submit a final signed report to DPIE.
Prince George’s County mandates a Third-Party Plan Review Program for the review and approval of Fire Protection Systems through the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE). This program requires owners and applicants to select a DPIE-authorized Third-Party Plan Review Agency (TPPRA) at their own cost to review and approve shop drawings of Fire Protection Systems in lieu of County staff. TPPRAs must be retained for Fire Protection Systems Review on all residential and commercial building projects. Shop drawings approved by the authorized TPPRA for Fire Protection Systems will be accepted by DPIE for permit issuance after paying all applicable permit fees.
Please refer to the following resources:
- "Third-Party Plan Review Manual for Fire Protection Systems"
- "Third-Party Plan Review for Fire Protection Systems Application Package"
- Certified Third-Party Reviewers for Fire Protection Systems
- Fire Protection Systems Permitting Process Simplified — FIR Cases
- A good example of the importance of sprinklers can be found on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Website at http://www.nist.gov/fire/dormsleeping.cfm. Their study showed the "Impact of Sprinklers on the Fire Hazard in Dorms: Sleeping Room Fire Experiments" College Dorm Overview.
Fire Protection Consultants
Refer to our list of approved Third-Party Fire Protection System Inspectors for third-party inspections. This list is not for approved peer reviewers or third-party reviewers. Please contact the Homeowners and Mega Projects Suite for information regarding the Peer Review Program and a list of peer reviewers. The design professional, third-party reviewer, and the TPIP inspector must be different and any of the two cannot be performed by the same person.
- View the list of Third- Party Fire Protection System Inspectors.
- View the list of Third-Party Reviewers for Fire Protection Systems.
Status of Your Application
The status of your permit application can be tracked online via Permit Status Tracking. Most commercial permit applications are currently reviewed within 4 weeks. For FIR case review time and process, please check the FIR Momentum case process document. If you have a question regarding the status of your application, please contact us.
Applicable Codes
Our most frequently used codes and standards are located under Fire & Life Safety Section Applicable Codes and Building Codes and Bulletins. Other adopted codes and standards not listed here may be determined to be applicable based on the scope of work.
Link to County Codes
Prince George’s County Subtitles and adopted codes and standards can be found online through the County Legislative/Zoning Information System.
Forms & Checklists
Please click on the forms and guidelines listed below to assist with meeting plan requirements for fire review and approval.
- Tenant Fit-out Guide (PDF)
- Fire Protection Engineering Design Evaluation (FPEDE) Guidelines
- Variance Request Form (PDF)
Fire Protection Designers, Consultants and Peer Reviewers
Effective Friday, July 1, 2016, all Fire Sprinkler Site releases for single family residences are required to go through the Third-Party Review and Approval process. This requirement, per Section 4-158 of the County Code, was postponed from the original implementation date of January 1, 2016 to allow for additional time to meet this mandate.
Should you have questions regarding this Notice, please call the Building Plan Review Division at 301-636-2070.
Office of the State Fire Marshal
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, Maryland 21208
Phone: 410-653-8980
Phone: 800-525-3124
Fax: 410-653-8988
E-mail: msp.osfm@maryland.gov
State Fire Marshal
Maryland Licensed Sprinkler Contractors
Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department
Office of the Fire Marshal
Fire Prevention and Life Safety
6820 Webster Street
Landover Hills, Maryland 20784
Phone: 301-583-1830
Fax: 301-583-1945
Fire Prevention & Life Safety Office
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)
Permit Services
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Phone: 301-206-9772
FAX: 301-206-8624
E-mail: onestopshop@wsscwater.com