Site/Road Plan Review
The Site/Road Plan Review Division reviews and approves site and roadway plans for proposed site development and road improvement projects located within County rights-of-way and on private property in Prince George’s County. To process your Site/Road or Floodplain application online, visit the Momentum portal.
Plan Review Services
The Site/Road Plan Review Division and co-located agencies provide plan review services for the following types of permits and submittals:
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Site Development Concept Plans
- Floodplain Studies and Floodplain Impacts
- Water and Sewer Planning
- Plans, Permits, Bonds and Rights-of-Way Plats and Easements for Site/Road Development involving Grading, Roads, Paving, Stormwater Management and Storm Drainage
- Proposed Utility Work in Public Rights-of-Way
- Tree Conservation Plans and Natural Resource Inventories (M-NCPPC)
- Sediment and Erosion Control Plans (PGSCD)
The agencies maintain inventory of floodplain studies, new roadways, storm drainage systems and stormwater best management practices (BMP), as well as collaborate with municipal, state, federal and other government agencies.
Site/Road Plan Review Services
- Bridge, Structural and NPDES Compliance
- District Engineering
- Drainage and Flooding
- Floodplains
- Geotechnical
- Traffic Engineering
- Utility Engineering
- Water and Sewer
Peer Review Program (PRP)
Prince George’s County offers a Peer Review Program (PRP) through DPIE to provide an optional tool for applicants to reduce review times associated with review and approval of submitted construction plans. For more information, visit the Peer Review Program page.
Fees and Payment Information
For direct assistance, Contact Us.