Wells & Sewage Disposal Systems
Prince George's County Health Department offers various services related to Wells and Sewage Disposal Systems. Here's a simplified overview:
- Percolation tests (Soil Suitability Tests):
Tests to check if the soil is suitable for sewage disposal systems are done in Momentum. - Septic System Permitting:
Permits for replacing or remodeling failing septic systems and commercial buildings are issued.
NOTE: Health Review Section under DPIE issues well and septic permits for new construction. - Site Evaluations:
Evaluations for replacement wells and permitting inspections for existing structures. - Information Requests:
Requests for homes and properties with well and septic systems are processed in Momentum. - Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund:
Disbursement of funds for nitrogen-reducing septic tanks or connection to public sewer. Bay Restoration Fund applications are processed in Momentum. - Well Oversight:
Oversight for backfilling abandoned wells. - Subdivision Plat Review:
Review and approval of subdivision plats served by individual wells or septic systems. - Innovative and Alternative Septic Systems:
Site evaluations for potential installation where conventional systems are not possible. Routine monitoring of these systems. - Septage Haulers:
Inspection and licensing of septage haulers operating in the county. - Sanitary Water and Sewer Surveys:
Surveys in problematic areas in collaboration with WSSC. - Investigation of Complaints:
Handling complaints related to sewage disposal problems, sewer overflows, well water quality, pollution, and improper waste disposal. - Evaluation for Institutional Facilities:
Evaluation of septic systems and wells for foster care homes, childcare facilities, camps, schools, etc. - Collaboration with WSSC:
Working with WSSC to reduce fats, oils, and grease entering the sewer system.
For information regarding certification in the state of Maryland for installing sand mound systems, at-grade systems, and/or BAT systems, please see the link here.
License & Permit Applications
For Onsite Sewage Disposal System Permit applications, visit DPIE Health Forms page.
Use the Momentum portal for Health Hazard Requests, Health Compliance Letters, Percolation Tests, and Work Order applications.