Mosquito Prevention
Mosquito Prevention: Stay Safe This Summer!
Learn how to protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses with our simple guide.
Understanding Mosquitoes:
Mosquitoes are common flying insects found all over the world, with over 3,700 types globally. Some mosquitoes act as vectors, spreading germs (viruses and parasites) that can make you sick.
What are Mosquito-Borne Diseases?
These diseases, such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria, are transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito.
Recognizing Symptoms:
While some may experience mild, short-term illnesses, severe cases can lead to long-term health issues or even death.
If Bitten by an Infected Mosquito:
Clean the bitten area with soap and water and seek medical attention promptly.
Preventing Mosquito Bites:
- Stay indoors during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
- Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and shoes outdoors.
- Use EPA-approved insect repellents with DEET or Picaridin.
- Install screens on windows, and repair any holes.
Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites:
- Remove standing water where mosquitoes lay eggs.
- Dispose of discarded tires and add drainage holes to playground tires.
- Turn over or remove containers collecting rainwater.
- Regularly clean gutters, flush bird baths, and adjust tarps to prevent water collection.
Transmission of Mosquito-Borne Diseases:
These diseases are spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.
Indoor Mosquito Control:
- Keep windows and doors shut.
- Use air conditioning if available.
- Install or repair window and door screens.
- Empty or throw out items holding water weekly.
- Use indoor insect foggers or sprays as needed.
Outdoor Mosquito Control:
- Eliminate standing water.
- Cover water storage containers tightly.
- Use outdoor insect sprays in dark, humid areas where mosquitoes rest.
- Repair cracks or gaps in septic tanks.
Protecting Children:
- Follow instructions when applying insect repellent to children.
- Avoid using repellents on babies under two months old.
- Dress children in protective clothing.
- Cover strollers and carriers with mosquito netting.
- Do not use products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD) on children younger than three years old.
- Do not apply insect repellent onto a child’s hands, eyes, mouth, cuts, or irritated skin.
- Avoid using certain products on children under three years old.
- Adults apply repellent to your hands and then onto a child's face.
Stay informed and take simple steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquito-borne illnesses this summer!