Swimming Pool Inspections
Applications & Permits for Public Swimming Pools and Spas
If you own or manage a public swimming pool, wading pool, or spa, you'll need to get a permit through Momentum.
Who Can Apply?
Owners, property owners, or pool management companies can submit the application.
Required Form:
Include a Suction Outlet Cover Survey form for each pool, spa, feature, and equalizer line at your facility.
Find more details about safety guidelines in VGBA Publication 361: Guidance for Safety, the Pool and Spa Safety Act.
This application is not needed for pools or spas at private residences.
How to Apply:
• Follow these steps in Momentum.
• Download the PDF of the Suction Outlet Cover Survey form.
• Fill it out manually or use PDF filler software.
• Submit the completed survey with your application in Momentum.
Important Reminder:
The Suction Outlet Cover Survey form is mandatory for approval.
Pool Operator License:
If you're in charge of running a public swimming pool, wading pool, or spa, you need a pool operator license.
Licenses and Permit Questions?
Email your queries about licenses and permits to PGCHealthpools@co.pg.md.us.