Become a Provider
Benefits of Being a PreventionLink Provider

There are many benefits to being a PreventionLink program provider.
- PreventionLink collaborates with other healthcare transformation programs, including but not limited to Maryland Primary Care Programs (MDPCP) and CareFirst Patient-Centered Medical Home (CareFirst PCMH) to improve health outcomes for your patients with or/at risk for diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease.
- You get access to a community of practice (CoP) for providers to share best practices and lessons learned. The members of the Community of Practice (CoP) consist of medical practices enrolled in PreventionLink and the PreventionLink community partners. The CoP meets quarterly to share best practices and lessons learned. The specific goals of the CoP are to:
- Raise awareness among local partners of the value of integrating systems to address the prevention and management of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
- Advance the work of individual organizations and communities to promote health.
- Support organizations and communities to collaborate regionally to address social determinants of health and advance health equity.
- PreventionLink will serve as a liaison to the Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP). Providers from your practice will make referrals to self-management programs and receive feedback on participation and adherence through the CRISP bi-directional e-referral system.
- PreventionLink has a unique focus on- early detection of chronic kidney disease, undiagnosed hypertension, and self-measurement blood pressure, and will provide technical assistance and support of self-management programs to facilitate sustainability.
- Community Health Workers will work with your patients and providers to assess and address social determinants of health barriers to program participation and adherence.
- PreventionLink will work with your practice to develop care plans, workflows, and effectively utilize risk stratification through your Electronic Health Record; implementation of team-based and top-of-license models of care, small tests of change or PDSA’s (Plan-Do-Study-Act), evidence-based guidelines (i.e. Target BPTM), and change packages (i.e. Chronic Kidney Diseases Change Package).
Uniqueness of the Bi-Directional eReferral System
Care coordination plays an important role in ensuring quality health outcomes, particularly amongst high-risk, high utilizers and underserved patients. PreventionLink leverages health information technology to ensure a continuous feedback loop for all providers. Providers will have access to real-time patient data to facilitate tracking, monitoring, and assessment of outcomes.
View how you would submit patient referrals to PreventionLink, and also view their progress:
How to Join the Provider Network
To become a PreventionLink provider you must:
- Enroll in PreventionLink and agree to participate in PreventionLink interactions.
- Operate a Primary Care Practice in Prince George’s, Charles, Calvert, or St. Mary’s counties.
- Use an Electronic Health Record (EHR) System in your practice.
- Connect to the Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (the regional Health Information Exchange system) required to facilitate the bi-directional referral system.
Required Agreements
You will also need to sign the following agreements:
- Business Associate Agreement (Required by HIPAA): A written agreement that defines each covered entity’s responsibility with the use and disclosure of protected health information.
- Data Exchange Agreement: An agreement for two entities to exchange specific data sets in such a manner that the information content or meaning assigned to the data is not altered.
- Memorandum of Understanding: A voluntary agreement between both parties to share information.
- Commitment Form: Providers commit to PreventionLink for at least a year and agree to refer patients to chronic disease prevention and management programs and community resources.
- Agree to participate in the PreventionLink program for at least a year.
- Agree to identify and refer patients to chronic disease prevention and management programs as well as community resources.
- Enroll patients in PreventionLink and obtain consent forms from them to participate.
- Provide PreventionLink with access to medical practice and patient data and/or reports.
- Provide quality performance indicators along with health outcome data.
- Participate in scheduled on-site visits and/or virtual conference calls with designated PreventionLink advisors for practice coaching and technical assistance
- Participate in educational sessions, including webinars and conference calls
- Participate in the Community of Practice (CoP) meetings
Become a Provider
If you are a healthcare provider interested in becoming a PreventionLink provider, you can submit an interest form, call PreventionLink at (301)-883-7220, or email PreventionLink@co.pg.md.us.