Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program (PHEP)

We work to empower our community to protect you and your family in case of natural disasters or public health emergencies. We are your source for information on how to prepare yourself for emergencies, communicable diseases, and weather disasters.
If you would like to be a Maryland Responds volunteer, register and join at Maryland Responds and select Prince George’s County for your affiliation. Our Medical Reserve Corps volunteers receive free emergency preparedness training and assist with a variety of emergency response activities.
Role of the Health Department in an Emergency
The Prince George’s County Health Department’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program (PHEP) develops preparedness plans for the mass dispensing of medication and vaccinations, assists with disease control and supports epidemiologic investigations, surveys emergency communications, conducts professional workforce training, and facilitates emergency preparedness exercises and drills.
Staff Expertise
The PHEP staff is experienced in Emergency Preparedness and consists of staff specialists in:
- Continuity of Operations
- Environmental Health
- Hazardous materials
- Incident command
- Nursing
PHEP is responsible for the coordination of all health-related responses to emergencies by efficiently mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from any natural, technological or man-made emergency or disaster, regardless of size or complexity, including acts of terrorism.
- Mitigation - the reduction or elimination of future risk
- Preparedness - practice state of readiness to respond
- Response - immediate reaction or relief that saves lives
- Recovery - process of repair and restoration