Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering promotes and protects the safety of County residents through environmental regulation, inspections, public education, and disease control.
The following Health permit and license applications must be submitted in the new Momentum system. For a list of the current fees for each permit or application, please view the Health Fee Schedule.
Agricultural Well Certification
This is a request to use an existing water supply system for agricultural purposes, which falls under the category of Environmental Engineering. Please note that the inspection fee does not cover any costs related to the analysis of water samples.
Open Land Burning Permits
This is a request to apply for an open fire (burn) permit. The permit is required for recreational purposes, including campfires and bonfires, as well as for agricultural operations involving the growing of crops or raising of animals. Additionally, fire training and accepted forestry practices require this permit.
Plat Reviews
This is a request for the Health Department to review the division of a tract of land into multiple lots for sale or development. This review includes changes to a street or lot lines.
Bay Restoration Funds
This is a request for grant funds from the State's Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund to install the Best Available Technology (BAT) nitrogen-reducing septic tanks or to connect to the public sewer. This initiative aims to improve the water quality and restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem.
Health Hazard
This is a request for help with private drinking water wells or sewage disposal systems that are not functioning properly or are at risk of failing.
Prospective Pool Inspections
This is a request to schedule an inspection, consultation, or equipment evaluation for a public swimming pool, wading pool, or spa.
Health Survey Letter
This is a request for the Health Department to review a facility that is registered under the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), or a foster care and adoptive care home.
Work Order
This is a request for authorization to carry out minor repairs on a sewage disposal system. A minor repair includes replacing any defective part or accessories of the system that does not change its size or design. The purpose of this repair is to improve the system's efficiency of operation or to correct a malfunction.
For information regarding certification in the state of Maryland for installing sand mound systems, at-grade systems, and/or BAT systems, please see the link here.