Assistance in Community Integration Services (ACIS)

What is the Assistance in Community Integration Services (ACIS) Program?
ACIS is an initiative of the State of Maryland’s Medicaid 1115 Health Choice Waiver. The Prince George’s County ACIS Program serves high-risk, high-utilizing Medicaid enrollees who are at risk of institutional placement or homelessness.
ACIS is focused on addressing the needs of the County’s familiar faces that cycle in and out of multiple systems with chronic health conditions, mental illness, addictions and a history of incarceration and/or homelessness. Working with our community partners, ACIS serves individuals who are Medicaid-eligible with the goal of providing low- or no-barrier stable housing and well-integrated medical care with wrap-around services.
What is the criteria for enrollment?
To be considered for the ACIS program, the client must be a resident of Prince George’s County, currently enrolled in Maryland Medicaid, and meet at least one health criteria and one housing criteria listed below.
Health Criteria
- Repeated incidents of emergency department (ED) use (defined as more than 4 visits per year) or hospital admissions;
- Two or more chronic conditions as defined in Section 1945(h)(2) of the Social Security Act (including, but not limited to, the following: a mental health condition, substance use disorder, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, being overweight as evidenced by having a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25).
Housing Criteria
- Individuals who will experience homelessness upon release from the settings defined in 24 CFR 578.3 (such as a health-care facility, a mental health facility, substance abuse facility, foster care or other youth facility, or correction program or institution);
- Those homeless and at imminent risk of institutionalization.
How do I make a referral?
To refer yourself or another person into the program, please call 301-883-3413 to request a Referral Form and a Release of Information form.
For more information about ACIS or to become a participating entity or community partner, please call 301-883-7802.
Participating Entities
- Jobs Have Priority, Inc.
- Mission of Love Charities, Inc.
- Prince George’s County Department of Social Services
Community Partners
- Amerigroup Maryland, Inc.
- Local Behavioral Health Authority
- Prince George’s County Department of Corrections
- Prince George’s County Housing Authority
- Prince George’s County Fire/EMS (Mobile Integrated Health)