HIV/AIDS Services
The Ryan White Legacy
The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, was enacted in 1990, just months after its namesake passed away from the disease. It was named after Ryan White, a child who was diagnosed with AIDS following a blood transfusion. His fight for life and the right to attend public school gained national attention and became the face of public education about his disease. Reauthorized in 2013, the program is one of the federal government’s main efforts to improve the quality and availability of care for medically under-served individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. Unlike Medicare or Medicaid, Ryan White programs are a "payer of last resort", which fund treatment when no other resources are available.
HIV/AIDS help and support services
High quality HIV/AIDS healthcare and support services are accessible to Prince George's County, Maryland residents. We strive to continuously expand and improve the planning, coordination, and delivery of HIV/AIDS-related services.
Who is eligible for services?
To receive services in Prince George's County, you need to:
- Be HIV positive [+]
- Be uninsured/under-insured and meet income guidelines
- Live in Prince George’s County Jurisdiction
Services for County Residents
- Dental
- Early Intervention Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Health Insurance Premium & Cost Sharing
- Medical Case Management
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Medical Transportation
- Mental Health/Substance Abuse
- Outpatient Ambulatory Services
- Outreach Services
Additional services may be accessed by individuals who live outside of Prince George's County. Services may include:
- Dental
- Outpatient Ambulatory Services
- Mental Health/Substance Abuse
Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Services
MAI (Minority Aids Initiative) STAY (Services To Assist Youth/Young adults) program provide specialized services for youth and minorities between the ages of 13-30. Services may include:
- Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care
- Medical Case Management
- Psycho-Social Support Services
- Early Intervention Services
- Mental Health Services
Additional Services
The Maryland Department of Health’s Prevention and Health Promotion Administration manages Ryan White Part B for Maryland counties. The funding is allocated to local health departments to cover several service categories to support the medical management and support services for patients and clients that are eligible under Ryan White and those services that are not adequately funded through Ryan White Part A. Aids Case Management and HIV Prevention The Maryland Department of Health’s Prevention and Health Promotion Administration manages the Aids Case Management and HIV Grants for Maryland counties. The funding is allocated to local health departments to cover several service categories to support the medical management and support services for patients and clients that are eligible under Ryan White; and to expand access points to care for the community through subcontracts. For fiscal years 17 and 18, the Health Department established MOUs with several community partners, including US Helping US, Greater Baden Medical Services, Fort Washington Medical Center, Heart to Hand, La Clinica Del Pueblo, Access to Wholistic and Productive Living, Dimensions Health System and Family and Medical Services to increase access points to care and HIV testing and counseling.
Housing Assistance Information
HIV/AIDS services are available at the following locations:
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
4302 St. Barnabas Road
Temple Hills, MD 20748
Phone: (301) 423-1071
Fax: (301) 423-1364
Contemporary Family Services, Inc.
6625 Belcrest Road, G-40
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Phone: (301) 779-8345
Fax: (301) 779-0258
Greater Baden Medical Services
7450 Albert Road, 3rd Floor
Brandywine, MD 20613
Phone: (301) 324-1500 x1515
Fax: (301) 599-0463
Capitol Heights
1458 Addison Road
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Phone: (301) 324-1500 x1515
Fax: (301) 599-0463
Heart to Hand, Inc.
9701 Apollo Dr. Suite 400
Largo, MD 20774
Phone: (301) 772-0103
Fax: (301) 772-0105
Prince George's County Health Department
Cheverly Health Center
3003 Hospital Drive, First Floor
Cheverly, MD 20785
Phone: (301) 583-3700
Fax: (301) 583-3760
Dyer Regional Health Center
9314 Piscataway Road
Clinton MD 20735
Phone: (301) 856-9490
Fax: (301) 877-6395
Contact Us for more information about HIV/AIDS Services.
Phone: (301)883-7879 / TTY/STS Dial 711
Fax: 301-883-7893