Eligibility & Dependents

Who is Eligible

  • Full-time permanent employees
  • Part-time permanent employees who generally work at least 15 hours per week
  • Limited-Term Grant-Funded contract positions that include funding for medical benefits are eligible to participate in the Cigna PPO and HMO health care plan only, and
  • Active Accessors and Judges (Circuit and District Court)

Eligible Dependents

Eligible dependents include:

  • Your lawful spouse, as defined by the Federal Government; and
  • Children and stepchildren under the age of 26.


Verifying Dependents

Dependent Type Required Document(s)
  • If married 12 months or less, provide Government issued Marriage Certificate
  • If married for more than 12 months, provide Government  issued Marriage Certificate AND at least one item from Current proof of Joint Ownership (Listed Below)
Newborn Biological Child
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names, AND
  • Social Security Card 

    Note: Birth Registration Notices are not accepted as dependent documentation.
Biological Child
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names, AND
  • Social Security Card 
Adopted Child    
  • Amended Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ names or Adoption Certificate or Placement Agreement AND 
  • Social Security Card
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ name, AND
  • Social Security Card
  • Government issued Marriage Certificate.
Legal Ward
  • Government issued Birth Certificate, Court Ordered Document of Guardianship, AND
  • Social Security Card.
Disabled Child
  • Government issued Birth Certificate that includes parents’ name, AND
  • Social Security Card
  • Doctor's Certification of disability 
  • Federal Tax Return within last 2 years claiming the child. 

    Note: Disabled Adopted Children cannot verify with a placement agreement or petition.
Children who are the subjects of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)
  • Qualified Medical Child Support Order required. This order creates the right of the children to receive health insurance benefits under an employee or retiree’s coverage.

Standard Proof of Joint Ownership includes:

(If required, please provide one of the following)


  • Mortgage Statement
  • Bank Statement (bank account verification letter showing active status)
  • Active lease agreement
  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Renters Insurance 
  • State tax return (within 1 year)
  • Credit Card statement (includes department stores, and care credit)
  • Property Tax
  • Current-year state tax return listing spouse/partner 
  • Current-year mortgage interest/mortgage insurance 
  • Warranty deed
  • Auto loans 
  • Current-year federal tax return listing the spouse 


All documents must be submitted to the OHRM Benefits Division within 30 days of your date of hire, qualifying life event, or 
Child(ren) includes a natural child; a stepchild; a legally adopted child or a child legally placed for adoption; a child under your legal guardianship. Children who are physically or mentally incapable of self-support as determined by medical certification may continue on your county coverage beyond the normal age limit if the disability continues and the child remains unmarried. The child must already be covered under the plan. You may be asked to provide certification of the child's disability every two to three years. Documentation must be on file prior to the child reaching the limiting age.

  • Email: Benefits@co.pg.md.us 
  • Fax: 301-883-6192 or Call (301)-883-6192
  • Mail or hand-deliver: 1400 McCormick Drive, Suite 110, Largo, MD 20774