Administrative Hearing Unit

The Administrative Hearing Unit (AHU) hears Administrative Citations issued by DPIE inspectors in the areas of property standards violations for commercial and residential properties, unpermitted construction and Short-Term Rental License violations.
Administrative Hearing Unit
- The AHU provides an efficient and effective process where violations/citations are abated and enforced faster in the areas of:
- Property standards (commercial and residential)
- Unpermitted construction
- Short-Term Rental Licenses
- The AHU is comprised of independent hearing officers who will adjudicate administrative citations issued to properties in violation of Prince George’s County Code.
- Hearings are usually held within thirty (30) days of the request for an Administrative Hearing. The Administrative Hearing process allows for a quicker adjudication of citations.

How Did I Get This Citation?
Citations can be issued in a variety of ways. If DPIE receives a complaint by a citizen through CountyClick311 or direct communication (phone, email, in person, etc.), DPIE will investigate the matter and issue violation notices and/or citations to the property in order to seek compliance. All citations can be appealed to the AHU within 30 days.

Administrative Hearing Process
How Does the Hearing Process Work?
To view the Administrative Hearing process by violation category, click on the below images.
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Before the Hearing
- Upon request by a Respondent, the Administrative Hearing Unit will schedule a hearing. The Respondent must request a hearing within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the citation.
- It is the responsibility of the Respondent to gather relevant evidence and contact persons needed to give testimony on his/her behalf.
- Respondents must arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of their hearing time.
During the Hearing
- At the hearings, the Respondent and the DPIE inspector will present evidence and testimony.
- Upon completion of the hearing, the hearing officer reviews the evidence, determines the findings and issues a written decision.
- If the hearing officer holds the respondent liable, a civil and monetary fine for each citation can be assessed, and the respondent will be ordered to abate/correct the violation.
After the Hearing
- Parties aggrieved by a decision of the hearing officer may request reconsideration by the hearing unit administrator.
- The decision by the hearing unit administrator can be appealed to the Circuit Court of Prince George’s County.
To access any of the following AHU forms, click on the title.
Legislative Amendments
To reference Prince George's County Code, view the Administrative Hearings legislation.