
Electronic Payment Process

  • For applications and citations that include letters, make payments in Momentum.
  • For applications and citations that include only numbers, make payments in ePayments.
  • For alternate forms of payment, see the information below.

DPIE's Fee Schedule

Click here to access the current 2025 DPIE Fee Schedule.

Multiplier and Calculations

Click here to access the Building Permit Fee Multiplier Adjustment.

Processing Fees for eCheck/ACH and Credit/Debit Cards

All third-party service fees are non-refundable. Please verify payment information before submitting.

  • eCheck/ACH payments will incur a servicing fee of $1.50.
  • Visa Consumer Debit Transactions will incur a flat rate service fee of $3.95.
  • All other Credit & Debit card transactions will incur a service fee of 2.45% of the payment amount.

In Person and Drop Box Check Procedures

Customers are encouraged to use one of the electronic payment processes. However, you may also pay by check.

Check Payment Process: Make all checks payable to "Prince George’s County."

If paying by check, the following procedures must be followed.

In person at the Cashier Counter:  9400 Peppercorn Place — First Floor, Largo, MD 20744 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

An invoice must accompany all checks.

Submission of Paper Checks via the Drop Box

DPIE's Drop Box is labeled "Permits."  Place your check along with an invoice for all case numbers.

*NOTE:  Use of the drop box for payment of permits is at the risk of the user since an online payment option is available. DPIE cannot be held liable for missing or lost checks through this process.

Submission of Paper Checks via USPS Mail

  • DPIE's mailing address:

    ATTENTION: Cashier's Office
    Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement
    9400 Peppercorn Place, First Floor
    Largo, MD  20774

Note:  There is a $35.00 Administrative Fee for all Returned transactions.