The Bridge Center at Adam’s House

The Bridge Center at Adam’s House is a team effort involving different government groups and community partners. Their goal is to help people from Prince George’s County who were in jail before, are veterans, or are young adults (18-24 years old) trying to find stability in the community.
The Bridge Center is like a hub where residents can easily get services to make the community better and improve their health. Here are some of the services offered:
The Bridge Center at Adam’s House offers the following services:
- Employment Assistance
- Job Training
- Insurance Navigator
- Reentry Navigators
- Veterans Affairs & Claims Assistance
- Court Ambassadors
- Child Support Assistance
- Food Assistance
- Medical Insurance Assistance
- GED/College Enrollment Assistance
- Youth & Teen Services
- Mental Health Services
- Family Reunification Services
- Transportation Assistance
- Transportation Housing Assistance
- Legal Assistance
- ID's
- Birth Certifications
- Re-entry Support Program
- Case Management
- Peer Support
- Anger Management Courses
The Bridge Center at Adam’s House provides free workshops and orientations for clients interested in obtaining assistance. Workshops include:
- Anger Management
- Employment Assistance
- Job Club
- Computer Fundamentals
- Budgeting and Credit Repair
If you want to join a workshop, you can call (301) 817-1900 or email BridgeCenter@co.pg.md.us to sign up.
If you want to learn about the resources and programs the Bridge Center has, you can attend an orientation. Orientations and intake sessions happen every day from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. To schedule an appointment, call (301) 817-1900.
Client Eligibility
- Must be a Prince George’s County resident
- 18 years old and older

Request Services
To request services, complete the service request form or scan the QR Code, and complete the form and a staff member will be in touch within 24hrs.
Video Archive
- Bridge Center at Adam's House Overview
- 2021 Judge AW Lecture Honoree & Justice Award Recipient, The Bridge Center at Adam's House Video