Code Enforcement Notices & Alerts
Who Handles That?
Learn how to connect with the appropriate agencies to respond to some of your most frequent complaints.
DPIE is holding virtual monthly seminars on a variety of topics in our Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions series. This month’s Zoom seminar, “Who Handles That?,” included a PowerPoint presentation, with information by staff from several agencies and a Q&A session. If you missed it, you may view the presentation at Who Handles That? or click the image.
Code Enforcement — What Constitutes a Violation?
Tired of looking at your neighbor’s rotted siding or their growing pile of old appliances? Join DPIE experts for a presentation to help you learn how to be part of the solution.
DPIE is holding virtual monthly seminars on a variety of topics in our Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions series. This month’s Zoom seminar, “Mastering the DPIE Permit Application Process,” included a PowerPoint presentation, with directions by permitting staff and a Q&A session. If you missed it, you may view the presentation at Code Enforcement — What Constitutes a Violation? or click the image.
Enforcement Code Changes
Effective August 1, 2021, DPIE implemented the newly adopted 2018 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) with County amendments as adopted in Prince George’s County Subtitle 13 (Housing and Property Standards). Click to view Subtitle 13 on implementation of Housing Code changes. For questions, call the Enforcement Division at 301–883–6067.
Enforcement Division Curtails Inspections
Due to social distancing requirements established in response to COVID-19, DPIE’s Enforcement Division is now performing essential operations only. This mandate was put in place to keep County residents and employees safe. As a result, some property maintenance inspection and investigation cases have been temporarily placed on hold. Inspectors will continue to monitor complaints. When information is available, DPIE will contact complainants to advise actions that can be taken in lieu of onsite inspections.