Business Licenses
One of the first steps in starting a business is researching the types of business licenses that are required. Take a few moments to review the list of licenses that the Licensing Center issues and determine if any of them apply to your specific type of business activity.
All Prince George’s County Business Licenses listed below are processed in Momentum. For information and instructions on the Momentum process, please review the Momentum page or go directly to the Momentum portal to start your business license application. Business Licensing started in Momentum on Oct. 13, 2020. (Before the implementation of Momentum, all Business Licenses were issued in ePermits.)
- Adult Book and Video Store
- Building Contractor
- Benefit Performance (Bazaar, Bingo, Dinner, Pull Tabs, Raffle, Silent Auction, Other)
- Benefit Performance/Charitable Gaming
- Benefit Carnival
- Benefit Circus
- Charitable Solicitor
- Door-to-Door Solicitor
- Electrical Contractor — Limited
- Fortune Telling
- Homeowner Waiver
- Master Electrician — Limited
- Mobile Vendors (Ice Cream Truck)
- Motor Vehicle Repair Facility
- Off-Road Vehicle Registration
- Pawn Dealer
- Pawn Dealer Employee
- Public Dance
- Secondhand Dealer
- Secondhand Dealer Employee
Please Note: The County Business Licensing Center is not to be confused with the State Business License Division, which issues licenses for certain specified Maryland businesses located within Prince George's County. To find out whether you are required to obtain a business license from the Clerk's Office, go to the State of Maryland Business License Information System (BLIS).
For renewals, review the step-by-step Business License Renewal Guide and the How to Renew Your Existing Business License Guide.
Business Licenses Contact Information
For questions and assistance regarding Prince George's County Business Licenses, call 301-883-3840 and press option 2 or email dpiebusinesslicenses@co.pg.md.us.