Interior Nat Harbor

New Employee Onboarding Process

The onboarding orientation session is at the center of the new employee onboarding process.

A new employee experiences onboarding in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Pre-Orientation: At least five (5) business days before the employee's start date.
  • Phase 2:  Orientation: The employee’s day of onboarding.
  • Phase 3: Post-Orientation: Three (3) to ten (10) days after the employee’s onboarding date.

Specific tasks associated with each phase are completed by various OHRM divisions or Agency Human Resources Liaisons.



At least five (5) business days before onboarding date, the Agency HRL submits new hire in NEOGOV and SAP and register the employee for orientation via email to

OHRM will not accept late submission of new hire information. As a result, the employee will be required to attend orientation (if applicable) and/or begin work on the next available start date.​
In order to onboard a new hire, Core HR requires the full new hire package as outlined in the 2019 OHRM Memo regarding onboarding and AP 214. You can reference both documents on the HR Community Teams site online here.

Immediately following the SAP action, forward the new hire’s full name, including the middle initial, job title, salary schedule, and start date to the Core HR Division via email to along with the new hire documents outlined below.

Checklist for Submission of Competitive and Non-Competitive Actions as abbreviated below:

  • Offer/Welcome Letter signed by the Appointing Authority and the new employee acknowledging acceptance
  • Approved Position Requisition Form (PRF) for the position being filled by the new employee;
  • County Employment Application (and Resume if provided);
  • Applicable commitment agreements;
  • Applicable Personal Services Agreement (for Limited-Term-Grant-Funded employees);
  • Copy of the printed Personnel Information Document (PID); and
  • Submission of the Checklist for Submission of Competitive and Non-Competitive Actions.


The Agency HRL is responsible for completing the following tasks to confirm the onboarding schedule for the new hire at least five (5) business days before the onboarding date:

  1. Mentor/Sponsor: Confirm the name of a mentor/sponsor who will help the new employee transition into working remotely (Managers can provide this information).
  2. HRL Welcome Meeting: Schedule a face-to-face meeting (1 hour) with the new employee at the Agency building. During this meeting, the HRL will conduct an office tour, as well as assign a laptop, building access card and office key(s), review office guidelines and procedures based on the New Employee Handbook. Please note: the meeting should be conducted in a safe and socially-distanced manner and wearing masks in alignment with COVID-19 safety protocols.
  3. Supervisor Meeting: Arrange a virtual meeting (via Microsoft Teams) with the new hire and supervisor to go over responsibilities and employee expectations.
  4. Team/Stakeholder Meetings: Arrange a virtual meeting (via Microsoft Teams) with the new hire, the team and/or other stakeholders in the agency (if required) for an introduction.


At least two (2) days before onboarding date, the Agency HRL sends email to new hire to confirm:

  1. Receipt of virtual orientation session information email from OHRM 
  2. NEOGOV access
  3. Directions on where/how to report to work after orientation session

For additional assistance, contact



The Agency HRL is responsible for completing the following tasks to onboard the new hire on the onboarding date:

  1. Check-in: Check-in with new employee to confirm that orientation session was completed.
  2. Conduct HRL Welcome Meeting: Conduct a meeting (1 hour) with the new employee at the Agency building in a socially-distanced manner and wearing masks. During this meeting, the HRL will conduct an office tour, as well as assign a laptop, building access card and office key(s), and review office guidelines and procedures based on the New Employee Handbook.



The Agency HRL is responsible for verifying new hire documentation within three (3) days after onboarding.

  1. Confirm with OHRM that all new hire documentation has been submitted.
  2. Contact new hire to follow up on any outstanding required onboarding forms and supporting documents to ensure submission in NEOGOV, including:
    1. I-9 Form & documents
    2. W-4 Form
    3. State Tax Withholding Form
    4. Life Insurance Beneficiary Form
    5. MD State Retirement Enrollment Form (Notary may be needed by the employee)


The Agency HRL is also responsible for completing the following tasks to finalize new hire onboarding at least ten (10) business days after the onboarding date:


Follow up with new hire to confirm access to and completion of required trainings in the County Learning Management System outline on OHRM Center for Learning and Development “Required Training” website online here.

Trainings required to be completed include:

      a.  Kronos Training

      b.  Ethics Training

      c.  Workplace Harassment Training

      d.  Safety Training

      e.  Telework Training (if applicable)


Employee ID

Follow up with the new employee to confirm receipt of the employee ID card.


Finalize Checklist

Review the new hire checklist for completion and add it to the new employee’s personnel file.