Single Family Dwelling
Building Permit applications are completed online. Please go to the Momentum portal and enter the information directly into the County’s Permitting System.
The following documents and plans are required to apply for a new Single Family Dwelling permit:
- Concept Approval Letter
- Approved Storm Drain Plan (if needed)
- Site/Plot Plans — Signed and Sealed
- Architectural Drawings — Signed and Sealed
- Structural Drawings — Signed and Sealed
- Landscape Plans
- Sediment Control Plan — Green stamped if the disturbed area is greater than 5,000 sq. ft.
- Approved Tree Conservation Plans or a Woodland Conservation Exemption letter*
*To obtain a copy of the Tree Conservation plan or the Woodland Conservation Exemption letter, contact M-NCPPC’s Countywide Division, Environmental Planning by emailing PPD-EnvPlanning@ppd.mncppc.org.
Prior to issuance of a permit, the following is required:
- Prince George’s County Building Contractor's License if the contractor is a company, LLC or other entity; or
a Homeowner Waiver from the Board of Registration for Building Contractors if the contractor is the property owner and an individual (not a company, LLC, or other entity) - Maryland Home Builder Registration
- Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) Environmental Planning Approval
- Approval of DPIE's Building and Site/Road Plan Review Divisions
- Health Department Approval
- Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) — Building Certification Release (BCR)
- Payment of applicable surcharges, including School Surcharge and Public Safety. DPIE is charged with collecting the surcharges, if applicable, prior to the issuance of a permit for new residential construction.