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Food Service Manager Certification

Man Smiling Behind a Food Service Counter

What You Should Know

Any operator of a restaurant or mobile unit serving prepared foods must have a Prince George’s County Certified Food Service Manager on duty at all times.


Take and pass a Food Service Manager Exam that the Conference has approved for Food Protection.

Training Opportunities

For more information regarding Non-Profit Food Manager Training, contact the Food Protection Program at 301-883-7650 and see a list of upcoming training in the county.

How to Apply

Applications are available online through Momentum.

You must have the following for uploading:

  1. Your certificate from an accredited testing organization showing a passing grade
  2. A government-issued identification card like a driver’s license
  3. A passport photo with the applicant's head and neck visible in the photo
  4. Required $60.50 fee + 5% service charge

The ID card will be available through Momentum. A physical card will no longer be provided.